Samuel Little Confession: Covington, Kentucky, 1984
Samuel Little, 79, has confessed to 93 murders. He is currently in prison in Texas. Law enforcement has confirmed more than half of his confessions, but some remain unmatched. In a recent interview, Little recalled details of a victim in Covington, Kentucky. More at
Video Transcript
James Holland, Texas Ranger: Hey, so tell me about, um, Northern Kentucky. The girl that you met in Columbus. So you meet this girl, I guess you’re at a strip bar downtown Columbus.
Samuel Little: I want on out the car. And this white girl come out behind the building. You know, I mean, my trunk open. She walked over to me say, “Come on, y’all. Can you take me to Miami?”
Holland: Describe this girl to me. Is she white? Black? What’d she look like?
Little: She’s white. Blonde hair. Dishwater, Dishwater blonde they call it. And short.
Holland: Short like shoulder length or...?
Little: No, no, was a little over ear length.
Holland: Like a bob?
Little: Yeah, like a bob.
Holland: How tall do you think she was?
Little: She was about 5’7”.
Holland: And how much do you think she weighed?
Little: She weighed about 130.
Holland: How old do you think she was?
Little: She was about 25.
Holland: You mentioned before that, that uh, you said she kind of had like this hippie aura to her?
Little: Yeah, she did give you a hippie feeling. I think she was some kind of hippie, yeah.
Holland: So, you go to Cincinnati. You mess around on Vine Street. And then eventually you guys both get in your car and you cross over the bridge into Kentucky. Tell me about going into Kentucky.
Little: We got to Covington and then we continued through Covington. And there was a park that they were having a festival in. And she heard the music and sh** off the band in there. And by her being a hippie type she “whoa”…she want to get to that. But the police came over and peeked in the car. He really wanted me to move out of there. So we...instead of going in there, I took her the other way. Winding around...they got hills out in Kentucky. And the road winds around the hills. I seen a little short road going up the hill. And up top, there was, uh, vegetation. There wasn’t no houses or nothing. So I pulled up in there and concealed the car in that little vegetation up there on top of the hill.
Holland: So tell me about this, this road that goes up the hill. What kind of road is it?
Little: It was like a dirt road. It was like dirt. The grass was growing in the middle between two tracks. When I left her up in there, in that little road up there, on the side of the road, she was like partially concealed by the vegetation. I left her there.
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