These crimes are not violent, but they are not victimless. White-collar crimes can destroy a company, wipe out a person's life savings, cost investors billions of dollars, and erode the public's trust in institutions.
The FBI's white-collar crime program focuses on analyzing intelligence and solving complex investigations—often with a connection to organized crime activities. Our white-collar crime investigations can be regional, national, and/or international.
The FBI works closely with partner law enforcement and regulatory agencies like:
- the Securities and Exchange Commission
- the Internal Revenue Service
- the U.S. Postal Inspection Service
- the Commodity Futures Trading Commission
- the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network

Report White-Collar Crime
- Contact the FBI online at
- Contact your local FBI field office.
- Report internet-enabled fraud schemes to
Examples of White-Collar Crime
Health care fraud is not a victimless crime. It affects everyone—individuals and businesses alike—and causes tens of billions of dollars in losses each year. It can raise health insurance premiums, expose you to unnecessary medical procedures, and increase taxes.
Health care fraud can be committed by medical providers, patients, and others who intentionally deceive the health care system to receive unlawful benefits or payments.
The FBI is the primary agency for investigating health care fraud, for both federal and private insurance programs.
As the lead agency investigating corporate fraud, the FBI focuses its efforts on cases that involve accounting schemes and self-dealing by corporate executives, as well as obstruction of justice (activities designed to conceal this type of criminal conduct).
The FBI’s corporate fraud investigations primarily focus on:
Falsification of financial information:
False accounting and/or misrepresentations of financial conditions
Fraudulent trades designed to inflate profits or hide losses
Illicit transactions designed to escape regulatory oversight
Self-dealing by corporate insiders:
- Insider trading (stock trading based on material, non-public information)
- Kickbacks
- Misuse of corporate property for personal gain
- Individual tax violations related to self-dealing
Money laundering is turning “dirty” money “clean” by making it look like money from crimes actually came from legitimate sources.
Money laundering allows criminals to:
- hide and accumulate wealth
- avoid prosecution
- avoid taxes
- increase profits through reinvestment
- fund further criminal activity
The FBI focuses its efforts on money laundering facilitation—targeting professional money launderers, key facilitators, gatekeepers, and complicit financial institutions, among others.
Criminals who engage in money laundering derive their proceeds through:
- Complex financial crimes
- Health care fraud
- Human trafficking
- International and domestic public corruption
- Narcotics trafficking
- Terrorism
Criminals use a number of tools to launder money, including:
- Financial institutions
- International trade
- Precious metals
- Real estate
- Third party service providers
- Virtual currency
There are three steps in the money laundering process—placement, layering, and integration:
- Placement is the criminal entering money into the financial system.
- Layering is the most complex and often involves moving money internationally. Layering separates the criminal’s money from the original source and creates a complex audit trail through a series of financial transactions.
Integration occurs when the criminal’s proceeds are returned to them from what appear to be legitimate sources.
The FBI regularly coordinates with other law enforcement agencies, international partners, and industry to detect and disrupt money laundering
Securities and Commodities Fraud
The creation of complex investment vehicles and the tremendous increase in the amount of money being invested have created greater opportunities for individuals and businesses to create fraudulent investment schemes.
To investigate and help prevent fraudulent activity in the financial markets, the Bureau works closely with various government and private organizations to investigate securities and commodities fraud.
Mortgage and Financial Institution Fraud
Financial institution fraud happens when criminals target banks, credit unions, and other financial institutions. Many schemes involve compromising customers' accounts or personal information. Embezzlement and misapplication of funds are two common financial institution fraud crimes in FBI investigations. Sometimes, fraud can be severe enough to cause the failure of a bank or credit union..
Mortgage fraud happens when someone lies to influence a bank's mortgage decision or if a distressed homeowner is the victim of a fraud.
There are two areas of mortgage fraud:
- Fraud for profit: This type of fraud involves professionals in the home buying process stealing cash and equity from lenders and homeowners. These types of cases area priority for the FBI.
- Fraud for housing: This fraud happens when borrowers lie about their incomes or assets on a loan application or influence an appraiser to manipulate a property's value.
The FBI works with partners to investigate mortgage and financial institution fraud cases. The FBI participates in task forces that share intelligence, de-conflict cases, and create joint investigations.
Intellectual Property Theft/Piracy
Intellectual property theft involves robbing people or companies of their ideas, inventions, and creative expressions—known as intellectual property. This can include everything from trade secrets to proprietary products to movies, music, and software.
Intellectual property theft costs U.S. businesses billions each year.
The FBI's intellectual property investigations focus on the theft of trade secrets and copyright infringement on products that can impact people's health and safety, like counterfeit parts for cars and electronics. The FBI works with partners in the private sector and other law enforcement agencies at all levels to investigate these cases.
Learn more at the National Intellectual Property Rights Coordination Center.
Similarly, economic espionage costs the American economy hundreds of billions of dollars per year and puts our national security at risk. In these cases, foreign competitors deliberately target economic intelligence in advanced technologies and successful U.S. industries.
Common Frauds and Scams
Learn about common scams and crimes and get tips to help you avoid becoming a victim.
Asset Forfeiture
Asset forfeiture is a powerful tool used by law enforcement agencies, including the FBI, against criminals and criminal organizations to deprive them of their ill-gotten gains through seizure of these assets.
Money Mules
A money mule is someone who transfers or moves illegally acquired money on behalf of someone else. Some money mules know they are supporting criminal enterprises; others are unaware that they are helping criminals profit. Don't be a mule.
The FBI is the lead agency for exposing, preventing, and investigating intelligence activities, including espionage, in the U.S.
White-Collar Crime News
- 02.07.2025 — Inside the FBI: Intercepting the South American Theft Group Threat
- 02.06.2025 — Raleigh County Man Pleads Guilty to Money Laundering
- 02.06.2025 — Out of State Man Pleads Guilty to Laundering Email Scam Proceeds
- 02.06.2025 — Louisiana Doctor Sentenced for Illegally Distributing Over 1.8 Million Doses of Opioids in $5.4 Million Health Care Fraud Scheme
- 02.06.2025 — FBI Philadelphia Warns of Romance Scams Ahead of Valentine’s Day
- 02.06.2025 — Former Credit Union Manager Imprisoned for Embezzling Over $200,000 From Elderly Clients
- 02.06.2025 — Second Defendant in Organized Refunding Fraud Ring Sentenced to 30 Months in Prison
- 02.06.2025 — Slovakian Man Sentenced for $738,000 Pandemic Loan Fraud
- 02.05.2025 — Florida Man Pleads Guilty to Embezzling from Employer
- 02.05.2025 — Nurse Practitioner Sentenced to Five Years in Prison for $11.2 Million Disability Loan Fraud Scheme