Agents Training in Helicopter

Mission and Priorities

Our mission is to protect the American people and uphold the U.S. Constitution.

Our Priorities 

Protect the U.S. from terrorist attack

Protect the U.S. against foreign intelligence, espionage, and cyber operations

Combat significant cyber criminal activity

Combat public corruption at all levels

Protect civil rights

Combat transnational criminal enterprises

Combat significant white-collar crime

Combat significant violent crime

FBI Strategy 

Managing an organization as large and complex as the FBI requires a definitive idea of where we are now and where we hope to be in five years, 10 years, and 20 years. That’s where our strategy comes in. The FBI strategy enables Bureau leaders and managers to define and pursue objectives crucial to mission success, prioritize resources to achieve those objectives, track progress along the way, address gaps when identified, and, most importantly, deliver consistent results. 

The FBI strategy is periodically reviewed and adapted to align with the changing threat landscape and organizational climate.

Strategy Elements

Our mission encompasses all that we do as an organization—protect the American people and uphold the Constitution of the United States. 

Mission Priorities
Our mission priorities assist us to determine where to focus our efforts and resources in order to mitigate threats and move toward accomplishing our vision. The eight mission priorities outline how we protect the American people and uphold the Constitution of the United States.

We considered these questions when determining our mission priorities: 

  • What are those realities that most threaten the security of the United States? 
  • What are the threats to our way of life that the American people need the FBI to address first? 
  • To what degree do the threats fall most exclusively within the FBI’s jurisdiction and competencies? 

Enterprise Objectives 
Our enterprise objectives are where we need to focus over the next three to five years to move the FBI forward. Our enterprise objectives each align to one of the guiding principles. 

Guiding Principles 
Our four guiding principles—people, partnerships, process, and innovation—help us organize the changes needed to accomplish our vision.

As we build momentum around our enterprise objectives, we will better accomplish our mission and begin to achieve our vision. Our vision is where we want to be:  Ahead of the Threat. 

More Information 

Our Locations
We work around the globe, including:

Our People and Leadership
The FBI employs approximately 38,000 people, including special agents and support professionals such as intelligence analysts, language specialists, scientists, and information technology specialists.

Our Budget
In fiscal year 2023, our total direct-funded budget is approximately $10.8 billion.

Our History
The FBI was established in 1908. Learn more about our evolution and achievements over the years.

Our Motto
“Fidelity, Bravery, and Integrity.” Learn about the origins of this motto.