Assistance Dog Visits FBI St. Louis

Assistance dog Patch visited FBI St. Louis in recognition of National Disability Employment Awareness Month in October 2017.

Video Transcript

Text slide: Assistance dog Patch and his trainer from Support Dogs, Inc. gave a presentation to FBI St. Louis in recognition of National Disability Employment Awareness Month in October.

Text slide: It takes two years for Support Dogs, Inc. to train an assistance dog. During that time, the dogs learn 200 tasks.

Text slide: Patch demonstrates how he keeps his legs out of the way of a wheelchair when given the “down” command.

Trainer: Imagine if I was in a wheelchair or a walker, I wouldn’t want the legs in my way, so he’s taught, [snaps fingers] “down,” whatever side I’m on—good boy—to flip his hips away from me. “Down.” Good boy.

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