Director Wray Lauds the FBI's Partnerships
During the House Judiciary Oversight Testimony, FBI Director Christopher Wray spoke about the importance of partnerships and his pride in the ones fostered under his leadership.
Video Transcript
Last year alone, working shoulder to shoulder with our partners and state and local law enforcement, the FBI arrested more than 20,000 violent criminals and child predators. That's an average of almost 60 bad guys taken off the streets per day–every day. The men and women of the FBI work tirelessly every day to protect the American people from what is really a staggering array of threats. And we don't do that work alone. The FBI now leads more than 750 task forces nationwide made up of more than 6000 state and local task force officers or TFOs, as we call them, from more than 1800 different state and local agencies. Each of those TFOs represents an officer, a deputy, or an investigator that a local police chief, sheriff, or state superintendent was willing to send our way. Certainly not because they didn't have enough work to do in their own department, but because they saw the tremendous value that our FBI led task forces bring. And we are honored and humbled by their trust in us and grateful for their partnership. To truly appreciate the impact the FBI and our partners are having, you got to look at the cases. Just last month, the FBI charged 31 members of two drug trafficking organizations responsible for distributing dangerous drugs like fentanyl, cocaine, and methamphetamine throughout the area around Marion, Ohio. In that one investigation run out of the FBI's two main office in Mansfield, we worked with partners from multiple local police departments and sheriff's offices to take kilos of fentanyl off Marion streets. The FBI's working big cases hand in hand with our state [and] local partners to have an outsized impact in our communities.
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