FBI Los Angeles
You can report suspicious activities and crime by contacting us 24/7 at (310) 477-6565 or tips.fbi.gov.
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(310) 477-6565
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Suite 1700
Los Angeles, CA 90024
Central California
Assistant Director in Charge
Akil Davis
Ahead of the Threat Podcast: Episode Four - Wendi Whitmore
This week on Ahead of the Threat, FBI Assistant Director Bryan Vorndran and FBI Strategic Engagement Advisor Jamil Farshchi speak to Wendi Whitmore, senior vice president of Palo Alto Networks’ Unit 42. Drawing on her experience with cyber threat intelligence and incident response, Wendi talks about the growing sophistication of the cybercriminal business model and the need to have visibility across all company networks and infrastructure. She also highlights a growing trend in which companies have a “pre-built” environment that they would potentially move towards in case of a cyberattack. At the start of the episode, Bryan and Jamil discuss trending topics like the North Korean information technology worker threat, the Blue Yonder compromise, and the latest social engineering scheme from the cybercriminal group Black Basta. Listen to Ahead of the Threat episodes, read the transcripts, and find related material at fbi.gov/aheadofthethreat.