Unlawful Flight to Avoid Prosecution - Murder

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Photograph age progressed to 78 years old


Wanted By the FBI: Andrew Peter Dabbs

Andrew Peter Dabbs, also known as Peter Dabbs, is wanted by the FBI for the brutal murder of his girlfriend, Robin Shea. This year marks the 40th anniversary of the brutal murder, and the FBI is now offering a reward of up to $20,000 for information leading to Andrew Dabbs’ arrest.


Peter Dabbs, Peter Andrew Dabbs, Andrew Dabbs


Date(s) of Birth Used December 10, 1942
Place of Birth Virginia
Hair Dark - May be Gray
Eyes Brown
Height 5'10"
Weight 180 pounds
Sex Male
Race Black
Occupation Auto Mechanic
Nationality American
Scars and Marks Dabbs has a mole on his nose, a scar on his arm, and skin grafts on his leg from a burn.
NCIC W504476133


The FBI is offering a reward of up to $20,000 payable to anyone who can provide information about the current whereabouts of Andrew P. Dabbs.


Dabbs was known to use drugs and may have possessed weapons in the past.  His last known address was in Derry, New Hampshire, and he has ties to Florida, New York, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Massachusetts, and Colorado.


Andrew P. Dabbs is wanted for allegedly murdering his girlfriend on October 10, 1981.  The couple was driving through Norton, Massachusetts, from their apartment in Derry, New Hampshire, when Dabbs allegedly shot the victim in the chest with a .45 caliber revolver and pushed her body out of the car onto the side of Route 123.  On November 3, 1981, Dabbs was indicted for murder by the Bristol Superior Court in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and a state warrant was issued for his arrest.  On September 20, 1982, a federal arrest warrant was issued for Dabbs by a United States Magistrate in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, after he was charged with unlawful flight to avoid prosecution.



Submit a Tip:

If you have any information concerning this person, please contact your local FBI office or the nearest American Embassy or Consulate.

Field Office: Boston

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