Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS)
The FBI’s Criminal Justice Information Services Division, or CJIS, is a high-tech hub in the hills of West Virginia that provides a range of state of-the-art tools and services to law enforcement, national security and intelligence community partners, and the general public.
Additional CJIS services for law enforcement are available on the FBI's law enforcement site.
Compact Council
The National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact Act of 1998 establishes a Council to promulgate rules and procedures…
Bioterrorism Risk Assessment Group
The FBI’s Bioterrorism Risk Assessment Group helps evaluate whether a person or entity, such as scientific researchers, can have access to biological select agents and toxins.
Law Enforcement Records Management Systems (RMSs)
The need for good record-keeping and information-sharing practices has taken on added significance in today’s global environment…
CJIS Security Policy Resource Center
The CJIS Security Policy represents the shared responsibility for the lawful use and appropriate protection of criminal justice…
In the summer of 1924, the FBI created an Identification Division (informally called “Ident” in the organization for many years to come) to gather prints from police agencies nationwide and to search them upon request for matches to criminals and crime evidence.
The CJIS Division was established in February 1992 out of the former Identification Division to serve as the focal point and central repository for criminal justice information services in the FBI. It is the largest division in the FBI.
Programs initially consolidated under the CJIS Division included the National Crime Information Center (NCIC), Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR), and Fingerprint Identification. In addition, responsibility for several ongoing technological initiatives was transferred to the CJIS Division, including the Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS), NCIC 2000, and the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS).
The Complex
In January 1991, the FBI purchased 986 acres of land in Clarksburg, West Virginia on which to construct the home of the CJIS Division. Construction started in October 1991 and was completed in July 1995, on time and under budget.
The heart of the complex is the 500,000-square foot main office building. Constructed in a modular design, this building is nearly the length of three football fields. It features a 600-seat cafeteria, a 500-seat auditorium, atria for visitors and employees, and a 100,000-square-foot computer center.
CJIS Community Outreach
The FBI community outreach specialists across the country create and strengthen relationships locally and nationally with minority groups, religious and civic organizations, schools, non-profits, and other entities. These partnerships have led to a host of crime prevention programs, enabling families to stay safe from fraudsters and cyber predators, businesses to protect themselves from hackers and economic espionage, schools and workplaces to safeguard against violent rampages and illegal drugs, and all citizens to become alert to potential acts of terror and extremism.
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Bipartisan Congressional Visit to FBI’s Criminal Justice Information Services Division
FBI Releases 2021 Statistics on Law Enforcement Officers Assaulted in the Line of Duty
FBI Releases 2021 Statistics on Law Enforcement Officers Killed in the Line of Duty
FBI Releases 2020 Statistics for Law Enforcement Officers Assaulted in the Line of Duty