National Night Out 2014 Celebration

August 8, 2014

FBI special agents and professional support employees from the Portland Division joined with community members at seven different events on Tuesday, August 5 as part of the annual National Night Out celebration. Each year, cities and neighborhoods across the country hold these events to promote crime prevention while helping neighbors grow closer.

The FBI employees passed out information about child safey, Internet security, and scams and frauds. The events also gave community members the chance to ask questions and to get to know us a little bit better. Check out some of our photos from Tuesday’s events below.

Thanks to all who came to meet us! 

FBI special agents and professional support employees from the Portland Division joined with community members at seven different events on Tuesday, August 5, 2014 as part of the annual National Night Out celebration.
FBI Portland employee with children wearing FBI gear at a National Night Out event on August 5, 2014.
A child wears FBI gear at a National Night Out event on August 5, 2014 attended by FBI Portland.
Two children wearing FBI gear near a Bureau vehicle at a National Night Out event on August 5, 2014 attended by FBI Portland.