March 29, 2023
Guamuchil, Sinaloa, Mexico

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Dwyer's Tattoos


Date(s) of Birth Used October 5, 2005
Hair Brown
Eyes Brown
Height 5'3"
Weight 100 pounds
Sex Female
Race White
Scars and Marks Dwyer has the following tattoos: a rose on her right hand, a design on her right middle finger, and the word "Blessed" in fancy writing on her right forearm.


The FBI is offering a reward of up to $10,000 for information leading to the recovery of Shelbie Lynn Dwyer.


The FBI's Seattle Field Office is working with the Des Moines Police Department in Washington, the United States Government, and Mexican authorities to conduct a formal investigation into the disappearance of Shelbie Lynn Dwyer.  On March 25, 2023, Dwyer voluntarily left the Des Moines, Washington, area and traveled to Mexico via car.  Dwyer maintained sporadic communication with her family, but stopped that communication around March 29, 2023.  Dwyer is believed to have traveled to Tijuana, Mexico. She likely traveled by plane from Tijuana, had a layover in Guadalajara, then arrived in Culiacan, Sinaloa.  Dwyer was last believed to have been in the area of Guamuchil, Sinaloa, Mexico, on or around March 29, 2023. She has not been heard from since that time.


Submit a Tip:

If you have any information concerning this person, please contact your local FBI office, the nearest American Embassy or Consulate, or you can submit a tip online at

Field Office: Seattle

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