Unlawful Flight to Avoid Prosecution - Leaving the Scene of a Boating Accident Involving Injury and/or Death, Boating Under the Influence-Manslaughter

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Photograph taken in 2005
Photograph date unknown


Miguel Angel Alvarado, Miguel Angel Alvarado Horvath, Carlos Alfonzo Malave Gonzalez


Date(s) of Birth Used August 30, 1966, November 12, 1965
Place of Birth LaGuaira, Venezuela
Hair Black
Eyes Brown
Height 5'7"
Weight 159 pounds
Sex Male
Race White (Hispanic)
Occupation Tire Shop Owner, Joint Owner of a Trucking Company
Nationality Venezuelan
NCIC W450121701


Alvarado may be residing in Venezuela and has family ties in Argentina and Florida. He may travel to different locations in South America for business purposes, and he is known to have been in Colombia from approximately 2006 through 2007.


Miguel A. Alvarado is wanted for his alleged involvement in the boating deaths of two men on the Intercoastal waterway in the area of Treasure Island, Florida. On May 26, 2005, Alvarado was operating a 29-foot recreational motorboat when he collided with a personal watercraft operated by the two victim males resulting in their deaths. Alvarado allegedly fled the scene of the accident and stopped only when witnesses informed him that law enforcement authorities had been contacted. Alvarado was escorted to the docks by the United States Coast Guard and was later determined to be intoxicated.


Alvarado was charged with leaving the scene of a boating accident involving injury and/or death (two counts), and boating under the influence-manslaughter (two counts), by the Circuit Court for the Sixth Judicial Circuit of Florida in and for Pinellas County, and state warrants were issued for his arrest on December 7, 2005. A federal arrest warrant was issued by the United States District Court, Middle District of Florida, Tampa Division, on January 24, 2006, after Alvarado was charged federally with unlawful flight to avoid prosecution.

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If you have any information concerning this person, please contact your local FBI office or the nearest American Embassy or Consulate.

Field Office: Tampa

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