FBI Reaches One Million Twitter Followers
The FBI announced today a milestone achievement in reaching one million followers on the social media website Twitter.
Launched in 2008, the @FBI Twitter page has become a valuable tool for providing information to the public on the past, present, and future of the FBI. The Bureau’s social media sites have been instrumental in enlisting support from the public to apprehend fugitives and locate missing children and have served as important platforms for informing the public about various threats and online schemes.
“The FBI has embraced the digital age by meeting the American people where they are communicating,” said Michael Kortan, FBI assistant director for Public Affairs. “With more and more members of the public using social media to communicate, we are able to become a part of the discussion and reach a broader audience through online crime fighting and prevention efforts.”
In addition to the @FBI Twitter page, many field offices across the nation also operate Twitter accounts in order to keep their communities apprised of FBI operations locally. Additionally, the FBI operates a Facebook page, which recently achieved more than one million likes from the public.