The FBI is announcing the results of Operation Not Forgotten, which dedicated over 40 FBI special agents, intelligence analysts, staff operations specialists, and victim specialists to 10 FBI field offices whose designated regions support women and children in Indigenous communities. During Operation Not Forgotten, over 220 cases were handled by investigators during the resource surge.
Recognizing the importance of a comprehensive approach to combating crime in Indian Country, investigative personnel and victim specialists collectively deployed to tribal areas to examine cases and focus resources on seeking justice for women and children who have been victims of crime.
“Operation Not Forgotten reflects the FBI’s relentless and continued commitment to ensuring the safety and security of women and children in Indigenous communities,” said FBI Deputy Director Paul Abbate. “By expanding our presence in Indian Country and working closely with tribal law enforcement agencies and community advocates, the FBI aims to achieve meaningful and impactful progress in solving these cases and bringing justice for victims and their families and loved ones.”
The FBI’s personnel surge reaffirms its dedication to support ongoing investigations and provide collaborative support to our tribal counterparts, diligently upholding community well-being. The enhanced presence enables the FBI to provide timely response and support in investigations related to violent crimes, drug trafficking, gang activity, and other criminal offenses that disproportionately affect women and children in Indian Country.
In coordination with investigative teams, the victim specialists working in Indigenous communities provide critical support to victims and their families during extraordinarily challenging times. In the immediate aftermath of a crime, victim specialists fill a critical need that helps victims, their families, the community, and the agents. These victim specialists have received specialized training to understand the cultural sensitivities and unique needs of Indigenous victims, ensuring that voices are heard, rights are protected, and the necessary resources for healing and recovery are received.
This initiative, along with the FBI's broader Missing and Murdered Indigenous Persons (MMIP) strategy, emphasizes the FBI’s continued dedication to address the violence impacting Indigenous communities. The FBI is committed to maintaining close collaboration with tribal law enforcement agencies, tribal governments, and community members to build safer communities and protect the rights of all individuals.
Individuals with any relevant information are encouraged to visit to submit an online tip or contact their local FBI office.
FBI field offices receiving dedicated personnel:
- Albuquerque
- Detroit
- Denver
- Minneapolis
- Oklahoma City
- Omaha
- Phoenix
- Portland
- Seattle
- Salt Lake City
FBI éí nda’iiłkaahiigii łá shóonááyóóst’é,’bitsi’ yishtłizhii bí‘ká ‘adoowoł biniiyé, bitsi’ yishtłizhii dábíkédayááhgo.
Dííji, FBI ání Operation Not Forgotten éí alyáá, binahjí’ dizdiin dóó bíí’ááh FBI special agents dóó, intelligence analysts, staff operation specialists, dóó victim specialists bínáánéi’nil, neeznáá FBI field offices bíł nahazááhgo, bitsi’ yishtłizhii kéédahaat’iigo, asdzání dóó áłchíní danilínígíí yaa ‘ádaholyáágo éí bídáhdéétii dolééł.. Operation Not Forgotten bee, 220 dóó bíí’ááh ‘ánéelt’e’go łá baa dahwiiníst’iid, nda’áłkaahíígii binaanish ’ádayiilaa.
Bééhózingo t'áá íiyisíí bóhólnííhíígíí éí ‘ahił nda’anishgo tééyá, beehaz’áanii k’éhetiigo bitsi’ yishtłizhii dábíkédayááhgo, nda’áłkaahíígii dóó victim specialists éí bitsi’ yishtłizhii dábíkédayááhgo hidikááhgo ndalnaanish dolééł, nda’áłkaahgo, asdzání dóó áłchíní danilínígíí beehaz’áanii k’éhetiigo bee atíídabidíílyááiigí ahwiint’ii biyííji, beehaz’áanii binahji’, bí‘ká ‘adoowoł biniiyé.
“Operation Not Forgotten éí FBI bí naanish yíł ‘aheełt’é, yídádíílkáálgó dóó t’áá náasgóó bitsi’ yishtłizhii asdzání dóó áłchíní danilínígíí baa áháyá dolééł t'áá dóó bik’i adéest’íí dolééł, bitsi’ yishtłizhii kéédahaat’iigo,” ní FBI Deputy Director Paul Abbate. “Bitsi’ yishtłizhii dábíkédayááhgo łá nda’iiłkaahiigii náádadééshníshgo táá dóó bitsi’ yishtlizhii bí siláoo dóó kintadi áyádaałti’i táá ‘áhanígo bíł ndéél’nishgo, éí FBI bí nanish ‘ilíigo dóó łá’hódzáágo bee náásgo biká nda’álkaahíígii béédahadóóził, t’áá dóó atíídabidíílyááiigí dóó baa da’áłchíní dóó da’ bík’éí danilínígíí éí ahwiint’ii biyííji, beehaz’áanii binahji’, bí‘ká ‘adoowoł.”
FBI baa ndáálnishiigíí łá shóonáánázt’éíígii binahjí bééhózingo bíł daiilíigo t’áá náasgóó nda’áłkaah dolééł, dóó bitsi’ yishtłizhii dábíkédayááhgo siláoo ndáálnishiigíí yił ndáálnish dolééł, hozhó’ógo diné kédah’hatiigo bik’i adéest’íígo. Nda’iiłkaahiigii táá łánígo hazlíí’go éí FBI t’áadoo hodína’í bił éédahózin dolééł ádóó diné yika‘adoojah, t’áá na’níledii beehaz’áanii k’éhetiigo, azéé tsi’na’iiłaii ndahaniihgo, ahinda’hiilteegho nááná’nełígíí beehaz’áanii kídá’yiitííhgo, dóó nani łagó átéígo beehaz’áanii k’éhetiigo bíchá, biniináá bitsi’ yishtłizhii dábíkédayááhgo yéégo bitsi’ yishtłizhii asdzání dóó áłchíní danilínígíí bee atíídabidilíígo.
Nda’iiłkaahiigii yił ndaalnishgo, victim specialists niléé bitsi’ yishtłizhii dábíkédayááhgo ndaalnishígíí éí atíídabidíílyááiigí dóó bada’áłchíni t’áá’íiyisíí yaa ‘ádaholyá, yéégo bich’i’ ndahwii’náágo. Doo ts’íídgo á’hóótyiigo, bikée’dó t’áhoshchi’, victim specialists éí atíídabidíílyááiigí dóó bada’áłchíni dóó diné kédah’hatiigo dóó nda’iiłkaahiigii yiká’iijah. Dí victim specialists éí binaanish biniiyé dáá’ííłt’a’, áł’aa diné’é bibee áda’ooliiłii dóó bitsi’ yishtłizhii atíídabidíílyááiigí yidin danlíiniigíí bił béédahózin, saad bééhózingo ndei’aah, t’áá łahodit’eheego beehaz’áanii ídéét’i’ígíí yaa ‘ádaholyá, dóó éédahózingo bahané binahjí ndóódzii dóó náádidóódááł éí bee dahóló.
FBI éí Missing and Murdered Indigenous Persons (MMIP) bínaanish íiłiníígí’a’téego bíł wólta’go, dí dadeezhnishíígíí éí bééhózingo t’áá na’níle’dii áádahooníłígíí áłdó bínaanish ‘íidoolííł, bitsi’ yishtłizhii kéédahaat’iigo. FBI éí bitsi’ yishtlizhii bí siláoo dóó bitsi’ yishtłizhii bí naat’áanii danilínígíí dóó bí diné’é t’áá náasgóó yił ndaalnish dolééł, diné kédah’hatiigo bik’i adéest’íí dóó bí beehaz’áanii ídadéét’i’ígíí éí baa áháyá dolééł biniiyé.
Diné’é dí bahané łá bíł bééhózingo éí bee iłééhozin yi’doołnih, béésh łichíi’ii be ééhooziniígíí biyi’jí éí dóódai táá ‘áhanígi FBI bíł haz’áági yee yíł’hodoolnih.
FBI field offices nda’iilkaahíí baa shóodaozt’é’iigii éí:
- Albuquerque
- Detroit
- Denver
- Minneapolis
- Oklahoma City
- Omaha
- Phoenix
- Portland
- Seattle
- Salt Lake City
Binahjí éédahózin bahané: