Image Listing

Images for Release

Results: 13127 Items

  • Jeffery Spanier's Forfeited Boca Raton House

    Forfeited Boca Raton, Florida, home of convicted fraudster Jeffrey Spanier.

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  • reichert_rage1.jpg

    Photograph age enhanced in 2011

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  • reichert_rage2.jpg

    Photograph age enhanced in 2011

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  • Iraqi Ambassador to the U.S. Shakir Mahmood Sumaida'ie Speaks at Press Conference

    During the press conference on July 7, 2011, Iraqi Ambassador to the United States Shakir Mahmood Sumaida’ie expressed his gratitude to the FBI and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which also returned stolen items from a separate case. As Iraq works to “reconstruct our country and our heritage,” the ambassador said, “We are grateful for the cooperation from the American authorities.”

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  • Ishtar, Mesopotamian Goddess of Love/Sex

    Mesopotamian goddess of love/sex and war. Shown here wearing armor and a quiver with arrows. One of the artifacts illegally taken in 2004 by Department of Defense contractors that was seized during a 2006 investigation and returned to the government of Iraq on July 7, 2011 in a Washington, D.C. ceremony.

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  • Lion, Divine or Protective Figure

    One of the artifacts illegally taken in 2004 by Department of Defense contractors that was seized during a 2006 investigation and returned to the government of Iraq on July 7, 2011 in a Washington, D.C. ceremony.

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  • Nude Female with Baby, Likely Promoted Fertility

    One of the artifacts illegally taken in 2004 by Department of Defense contractors that was seized during a 2006 investigation and returned to the government of Iraq on July 7, 2011 in a Washington, D.C. ceremony.

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  • Nude Female, Likely Promoted Fertility

    One of the artifacts illegally taken in 2004 by Department of Defense contractors that was seized during a 2006 investigation and returned to the government of Iraq on July 7, 2011 in a Washington, D.C. ceremony.

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  • Statues

    One of the artifacts illegally taken in 2004 by Department of Defense contractors that was seized during a 2006 investigation and returned to the government of Iraq on July 7, 2011 in a Washington, D.C. ceremony.

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  • Terracotta Plaque Containing Dog

    One of the artifacts illegally taken in 2004 by Department of Defense contractors that was seized during a 2006 investigation and returned to the government of Iraq on July 7, 2011 in a Washington, D.C. ceremony.

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  • Terracotta Plaque Showing Woman

    One of the artifacts illegally taken in 2004 by Department of Defense contractors that was seized during a 2006 investigation and returned to the government of Iraq on July 7, 2011 in a Washington, D.C. ceremony.

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  • Vases

    One of the artifacts illegally taken in 2004 by Department of Defense contractors that was seized during a 2006 investigation and returned to the government of Iraq on July 7, 2011 in a Washington, D.C. ceremony.

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  • Washington Field Office Special Agent in Charge Ron Hosko Speaks at Press Conference

    Terracotta plaques and other artifacts seized during a 2006 investigation were returned to the government of Iraq on July 7, 2011 in a Washington, D.C. ceremony. “These artifacts are truly invaluable,” said Ron Hosko, special agent in charge of the Criminal Division in our Washington Field Office. “The FBI is pleased to be able to return them to their rightful owner.”

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  • Boxers, Likely Part of a Larger Scene That Included Musicians

    One of the artifacts illegally taken in 2004 by Department of Defense contractors that was seized during a 2006 investigation and returned to the government of Iraq on July 7, 2011 in a Washington, D.C. ceremony.

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  • Cult Scene, Part of a Larger Scene

    One of the artifacts illegally taken in 2004 by Department of Defense contractors that was seized during a 2006 investigation and returned to the government of Iraq on July 7, 2011 in a Washington, D.C. ceremony. Part of larger scene that originally included a bearded, armed man or god wearing a turban, standing in a shrine or chariot surrounded by sickle shaped weapons.

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1 - 15 of 13127 Results