FBI, This Week: The Collection of Crime Statistics

September 29, 2016

To understand what crime statistics mean in detail, the FBI is energizing its push for the country’s law enforcement agencies to use a modern method of crime data reporting.

Audio Transcript

Mollie Halpern: Recently released FBI statistics show the estimated number of violent crimes in America increased 3.9 percent last year when compared to the year before.

The FBI’s Crime in the United States annual report also shows a 2.6 percent drop in property crimes over the same time period.

To understand what those numbers mean in detail, the FBI is energizing its push for the country’s law enforcement agencies to use a modern method of crime data reporting.

It’s called the National Incident-Based Reporting System, or NIBRS.

Stephen Morris: It’s the granularity and that richness of NIBRS data that allows people to make informed decisions and conversations, which, again, is one of the reasons why the FBI is absolutely adamant that NIBRS is the way forward.

Halpern: That was FBI Assistant Director of the Criminal Justice Information Services Division Stephen Morris.

Morris: We’re currently focusing our efforts on at least 400 agencies that we believe could have a significant impact on NIBRS collection from a national standpoint.

Halpern: The transition to NIBRS is expected by 2021. I’m Mollie Halpern of the Bureau with FBI, This Week.


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