Glennie, Michigan
October 26, 1994

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Age 30 to 50 years old
Hair Brown - may have had a red tint
Eyes Unknown
Height 5'0" to 5'4"
Weight Unknown
Sex Female
Race White


The victim had a distinct gap between her two upper front teeth. She displayed poor dental care. She had evidence of missing and/or pulled teeth.


On Wednesday, October 26, 1994, a hunter found the nude remains of a White female, between 30 and 50 years old, on Bamfield Road, near the Alcona Dam. It is estimated that this victim died one to four years prior to her remains being found. The victim suffered a fracture to her left arm, just above the elbow, years prior to her death. The broken bone in the victim's arm was potentiall the result of a vehicle accident years prior to death. She also displayed evidence of injuries to the spinal column in the upper and lower thoracic region.

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