November 24, 1994
DeSoto, Kansas

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Photograph taken January 27, 1994
Photograph taken in 1974


Age 37 years old at time of disappearance
Hair Brown
Eyes Blue
Height 6'1"
Weight 155 to 185 pounds
Sex Male
Race White
Scars and Marks Shultz has a scar on the back of his neck on the right side and a comminuted fracture of the nasal bones.


Shultz wore glasses.


Jack Allen Shultz was last seen on or about November 24, 1994, at his home in DeSoto, Kansas. Shultz was known to disappear for periods of time; thus, he was not reported missing until January 4, 1995. Shultz had previously worked in construction; however, no wages have been reported since 1994. At the time of his disappearance, he did not have access to a vehicle. Personal belongings were left in the victim’s home and foul play is suspected. He was known to frequent bars and was a drug and alcohol user. Shultz may have had or displayed characteristics of Huntington’s disease. Past dental records indicated that Shultz had “bad teeth” and gingivitis, which may lead to periodontitis. Dental records, fingerprints, and familial DNA are available for comparison.

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