May 20, 1981
Sacramento, California

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Photo taken in 1981.
Photo taken in 1980.


Age 21 at time of disappearance
Hair Brown, collar length
Eyes Green
Height 5'10"
Weight 165 pounds
Sex Male
Race White


Kelley was wearing jeans and a T-shirt, with no further description.


On May 20, 1981, Dale Eugene Kelley, a student and football player at American River College in Sacramento, California, left his residence driving his orange 1976 Toyota Celica (California plate 598TIH). Kelley was heading to Los Angeles, California, to visit his then girlfriend. When he did not arrive that afternoon, his girlfriend contacted Kelley’s roommates, who told her he left that morning. Kelley has not been seen or heard from since. Two weeks later, on June 4, 1981, Kelley’s vehicle was located abandoned in New Orleans, Louisiana. Inside the vehicle was a “Pat O‘Brien’s” postcard, a book entitled “Texas” and a map of Texas.

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