September 23, 1998
Green Bay, Wisconsin

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Hair Brown (Straight, longer than shoulder length)
Eyes Brown
Height 5'6"
Weight 135 - 150 pounds
Sex Female
Race White
Scars and Marks Both ears have been pierced eight times.


Vehicle information: 1988 silver GL Subaru, 4-door, WI license plate number X5725T, damage to front end.


On Wednesday, September 23, 1998, 19 year-old University of Wisconsin student Amber Lynn Wilde, disappeared from her Green Bay, Wisconsin, apartment located along August Street.  Her last known contact was a telephone call she placed from the landline in her apartment at 7:16 p.m.    

On October 1, 1998, her vehicle was found in Green Bay, Wisconsin, near Lambeau Field Stadium.  The vehicle was found in the 50 Yard Line Sports Bar and Roadstar Inn parking lot, east of K-mart and off of Lombardi Access Road.  The sports bar and inn have since been torn down.  Witnesses stated, they believe the vehicle had been parked there since September 28, 1998.  Amber’s purse, cellphone, and keys were found in the unlocked vehicle at the time it was recovered. 

Contact the Green Bay Police Department if you have information regarding Amber Lynn Wilde’s disappearance or if you saw her or someone else operate her 1988, Silver, GL 4-door Subaru.  Her vehicle had a brown stuffed monkey hanging from the rearview mirror, stuffed animals in the rear back window, and a University of Wisconsin decal across the top portion of the back window.

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If you have any information concerning this person, please contact your local FBI office or the nearest American Embassy or Consulate.

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