Raleigh, North Carolina
August 16, 1994

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Beth Ellen Vinson


Age 17 years old
Sex Female
Race White


On August 23, 1994, approximately four weeks after Beth Ellen Vinson, a 17-year-old white female, left her home in Goldsboro, North Carolina, and went to Raleigh to work and save enough money to get to New York, her body was found. Ms. Vinson’s body had been covered with cardboard, and left between two warehouses on Wicker Road. Ms. Vinson who worked for an escort service was last seen at 2:30 a.m. on August 16, 1994, when she left her apartment to meet a client. At 5:30 a.m. her 1990 white four door Mazda 626 was found at the entrance of a car dealership on Capital Boulevard.

Continuing investigation of this homicide, determined that Ms. Vinson was in possession of four pieces of jewelry and a multi-colored cloth purse the morning of her homicide. These items have never been recovered.

Medical examination disclosed that Ms. Vinson had been stabbed in excess of 15 times.

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