Cozad, Nebraska
March 10, 1997

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Age Mid 20s at time of offense
Hair Brown
Height 6'1" to 6'3"
Weight 220 to 225 pounds
Sex Male
Race White


On March 10, 1997, at about 10:30 am, an unknown white male placed gasoline in a 1993-1995 red 2-door Pontiac Grand Am before entering the Amoco Convenience Station in Cozad, NE (which is located on Interstate 80). The subject then purchased a soda. The surveillance camera shows the clerk placing the soda in a bag before going to the floor. The clerk is then shot three times, once in the back of the head and twice in the arm. All three shots were from a semi automatic 9mm firearm. The subject then walked back to his car and drove away.

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