Highland Park, Michigan
May 20, 1996

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Watch found with Mindy Clevidence


Age 17 years old at time of disapperance
Hair Brown
Eyes Brown
Sex Female
Race White


Police are seeking information regarding the homicide of Mindy Clevidence. She was found shot in an alleyway in Highland Park, Michigan, on May 20, 1996. Clevidence was from Loudonville, Ohio, and was housed in a youth home located in Ohio shortly before her disappearance. It is believed that she left the youth home to meet up with friends in Detroit, Michigan. The victim was found with a white shirt with a yellow and black print smiley face, white skirt, white socks with low cut black and white gym shoes. A “Teddy Bear” watch with a leather band was found on her left arm. Initially, Clevidence was listed as Unidentified Remains until 2023, when she was identified through Forensic Genetic Genealogy. Investigators are asking anyone with information regarding this case to please come forward.

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If you have any information concerning this person, please contact your local FBI office or the nearest American Embassy or Consulate.

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