Murder Victim
Big Bend National Park, Texas
October 30 to November 2, 1994

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Photograph taken in the early 1990s


Date(s) of Birth Used November 13, 1950
Place of Birth Texas
Hair Blond
Eyes Blue
Height 5'9" to 5'11"
Weight 155 pounds
Sex Male
Race White
Occupation Customer service representative
Nationality American


The FBI is offering a reward of up to $25,000 for information leading to the identification, arrest, and conviction of the individual(s) responsible for the murder of John Gary Monroe.


John Gary Monroe had ties to Houston, Texas, and prior to his death resided in San Antonio, Texas.


The FBI's El Paso Field Office is seeking the public's assistance in identifying the individual(s) responsible for the murder of John Gary Monroe. Monroe entered Big Bend National Park in Texas on October 30, 1994. On November 2, 1994, Monroe’s body was discovered at a campsite in Big Bend National Park by a group of hikers.


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If you have any information concerning this case, please contact your local FBI office, the nearest American Embassy or Consulate, or you can submit a tip online at

Field Office: El Paso

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