Alexander Lefterov is wanted for his alleged involvement in cyber-related crimes. From approximately March of 2021 through November of 2021, Lefterov, using the online monikers "Alipako" and "Uptime" among others, allegedly conspired with others to profit from his operation and control of a botnet comprised of thousands of malware-infected computers. Lefterov and his co-conspirators allegedly used malware to steal victim credentials to online accounts, including accounts at financial institutions, payment processors, and retail establishments, as well as other personal information, from infected computers within the botnet. Lefterov and his co-conspirators allegedly used an online dashboard or panel to monitor the infected computers, access victim credentials, and access victim computers. Lefterov and his co-conspirators also allegedly sold access to the botnet to other cyber criminals, allowing cyber criminals to gain unauthorized access to victims’ online accounts by fraudulently posing as the legitimate account holder.
On December 29, 2021, a federal arrest warrant was issued for Lefterov in the United States District Court, Western District of Pennsylvania, after he was charged with Conspiracy to Commit Computer Fraud; Intentional Damage to a Protected Computer; Unauthorized Access of a Protected Computer to Obtain Information for Private Financial Gain; Aggravated Identity Theft; and Conspiracy to Commit Wire Fraud.