FBI, This Week: Highway Serial Killings Initiative

January 5, 2017

An FBI initiative targeting serial killers who have a nexus to the nation’s highways continues to grow.

Audio Transcript

Mollie Halpern: An FBI initiative targeting serial killers who have a nexus to the nation’s highways continues to grow.

The Highway Serial Killings Initiative, or HSK, has led to the identification of more than 400 suspects since the initiative began more than a decade ago.

Crime Analyst Christie Palazzolo says more than 700 victims have been identified—with at least one in every state but Hawaii.

Christie Palazzolo: We're seeing the trend continue, so that's why we still have HSK and we still are actively working these cases and trying to help agencies bring resolution to them.

Halpern: The FBI provides local investigators with detailed timelines of their suspects’ whereabouts, which can help connect suspects to other unsolved cases.

Highways and the number of motorists are expected to increase over the next two decades.

Palazzolo: If these projections are right, we're only going to be seeing more. So, it's not too far a jump to say that we may be seeing more victims in the coming years as well.

Halpern: To learn more about the FBI’s HSK Initiative, visit www.fbi.gov. With FBI, This Week, I’m Mollie Halpern of the Bureau.

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