Stealing from His Own Mother

September 10, 2010

This case is about an individual—a son—who was a trustee for his mother’s finances…

Audio Transcript

Ms. Ballew: This case is about an individual—a son—who was a trustee for his mother’s finances…

Mr. Gentine: “He stole every bit of it, to basically gamble. In fact, he was wiring some of the money to facilities outside the U.S.”

Ms. Ballew: Most of the gambling was online sports betting. Scott Gentine, special agent from FBI Kansas City, says the mother received a bank statement saying she was overdrawn.

Mr. Gentine: “She went to the bank, discovered she had $170 left to her name. She then notified her niece, and upon their investigation, discovered that all the money had been wired away.”

Ms. Ballew: More than trust fund money was stolen from the now-83-year-old mom…

Mr. Gentine: “Her sole ability to provide for herself, including her life insurance policy which he borrowed $58,000 against. He had also sold 80 acres of her land, which had been in the family for generations.”

Ms. Ballew: Guilty on 11 counts of bank fraud. Thirty months in prison and restitution of over half-a-million dollars. I’m Denise Ballew of the Bureau, and that’s the FBI’s Closed Case of the Week.

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