Hamilton County, Tennessee
August 28, 2006

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Age 40 to 55 years old
Hair Brown, 3" to 4" long, wavy
Eyes Unknown
Height 5'8" to 6'2"
Weight 160 to 210 pounds
Sex Male
Race White
Scars and Marks Surgical scar on right elbow with two orthopedic screws in the head of the right radius


The unknown subject was wearing a gray t-shirt with a Tom and Jerry cartoon logo that said "Easily Amused", Arizona-brand blue jeans size 34", a light-colored bandana head covering, and white tennis shoes. No dental maintenance was noted. No upper teeth or dentures were found. Nine front bottom teeth had excessive decay and staining.


On Monday, August 28, 2006, the unidentified human remains of a white male were found in a wooded area off Eldridge Road, near Chickamauga Lake, in Birchwood, Tennessee. The manner of death was homicide. For additional information regarding this victim, refer to the National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs) unidentified persons database, case report number UP#8189.

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