Boone County, Indiana
May 3, 1992

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Age 17 - 22 years old
Hair Brown, Red, Reddish Brown, Auburn (Shorter than collar-length)
Height 5'6"
Weight 130 pounds
Sex Female
Race White
Scars and Marks Tattoos included the following: "MOM" upper right arm; A cross and "LOVE" on the right breast; A cross on webbing between the index finger and thumb on the right hand.


Clothing included a light-green tank top and anklet socks.


On Sunday, May 3, 1992, the victim’s remains were discovered laying along the eastside of the northbound entrance ramp from Indiana State Road 47 to Interstate 65. The victim was only wearing a light-green tank top and light-green anklet socks. The victim is believed to have died three to five days prior; however, the cause of death could not be determined. Foul play is suspected due to the condition of her recovery.

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