Palmyra, Pennsylvania
July 29, 2012

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Age 21 (at time of incident)
Hair Blonde - longer than shoulder length
Eyes Green
Height 5'8"
Weight 115 to 120 pounds
Sex Female
Race White
Occupation Stouffer has worked as a salon/spa worker and a pet groomer.
Scars and Marks Stouffer has a tattoo on her right arm that reads "One Love," a tattoo on the top of her right foot of three stars, and a tattoo on her left side of a pistol shooting flowers.


On Sunday, July 29, 2012, Kortne Ciera Stouffer disappeared without an apparent reason. The last known contact with Stouffer was at 3:30 AM, by the Palmyra Police regarding a disturbance. Foul play is suspected regarding Stouffer's disappearance. For additional information regarding this victim, refer to the National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUS) missing person database, case report number MP#17800.

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If you have any information concerning this person, please contact your local FBI office or the nearest American Embassy or Consulate.

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