Madison, Wisconsin
September 3, 1989

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Photograph from early 1960


Date(s) of Birth Used October 27, 1942
Place of Birth Oklahoma
Sex Male
Race White


Kirk was known to have traveled through Alabama, California, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Texas, and Wisconsin.


Police are seeking information regarding the death of Ronnie Joe Kirk. Kirk was found deceased in a chimney of the Good ‘n Loud music store in Madison, Wisconsin, on September 3, 1989. He was listed as Unidentified Human Remains until 2024, when Kirk was identified through Forensic Genetic Genealogy. Kirk was born in Oklahoma and is known to have traveled through the above listed states. Investigators are asking anyone with information regarding this case to come forward. Investigators also request anyone with information regarding Kirk’s life and whereabouts since 1968 to contact investigators to help fill in his life timeline for the investigation.

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If you have any information concerning this person, please contact your local FBI office or the nearest American Embassy or Consulate.

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