Unknown Suspect(s)
July 19, 1994


Unidentified Males
Unidentified male
Unidentified male
Composite sketch created in 1994 - Ali Hawa Jamal


The Rewards For Justice Program, United States Department of State, is offering a reward of up to $5 million for information leading to the arrest or conviction in any country of any individual who committed, attempted or conspired to commit, or aided or abetted in the commission of the July 19, 1994, bombing of Alas Chiricanas Flight 00901 that resulted in the deaths of three U.S. citizens.


The FBI is seeking information on the bombing of Alas Chiricanas Airlines Flight 00901 on July 19, 1994, or any of the suspicious activity described.

At approximately 4:30 p.m. Central Daylight Time (CDT), Flight 00901 departed from France Field, Colón, Panama, with a destination of Panama City, Panama. The flight exploded shortly after takeoff, killing all 21 people on board. Authorities are seeking information that may pertain to possible suspect(s) and the crime that occurred aboard this flight. All deceased passengers and crew were identified except for one body, which has possibly been identified as Ali Hawa Jamal. He is suspected of carrying the bomb aboard the aircraft.

According to reports, on May 27, 1994, an unidentified male of Middle Eastern descent, used the stolen credit card of a U.S. citizen to rent a Mazda 4x4 at a Vantage Rent-a-Car located in Panama City, Panama. The next day the same unidentified individual called the car rental agency and stated he wanted to rent a second car, a Jeep Cherokee 4x4, as his friend was using the initial car that was rented. The unknown individual charged both cars to the stolen credit card. Both cars were later found abandoned near Tocumen Airport in Panama City, Panama.

On May 28, 1994, it was further reported that possibly the same unknown male, utilizing the same stolen credit card, purchased a two-line telephone system from a Panamanian business. The individual possibly identified as Ali Hawa Jamal, had a Motorola Radio P-500 with him during the Alas Chiricanas Airlines flight.

It is unknown if the unidentified males shown in the photos above, were associates of Ali Hawa Jamal. These unknown males are believed to have traveled to Colombia, Venezuela, Costa Rica, and Lebanon. It is alleged that the unknown males were in contact with individuals that have been linked to weapons traffickers. The terrorist group Ansar Allah expressed support for the bombing through multiple media outlets. It is suspected that the attack was linked to a terrorist group or groups allied with Ansar Allah's political beliefs.

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Field Office: Miami

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