International Parental Kidnapping

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Leslie Delbecq
Gabrielle Dahm
Gabrielle Dahm


Leslie Dahm, Leslie Sheila Dahm, Leslie Sheila Delbecq, Leslie Delbecq-Dahm


Date(s) of Birth Used May 12, 1981
Place of Birth Michigan
Hair Sandy blonde (may be dyed or highlighted)
Eyes Hazel or Blue
Height 5'6" to 5'7" (approximately 170 cm)
Weight 130 to 140 pounds (approximately 59 kg)
Sex Female
Race White
Nationality American
NCIC W762967719


Leslie Delbecq has citizenship in the United States and Belgium. She may travel to Belgium and Dubai, United Arab Emirates.


Leslie Delbecq and her mother, Jeanine De Riddere, are wanted for their alleged involvement in the kidnapping of Leslie Delbecq's daughter, Gabrielle Dahm, from Broward County, Florida, in 2010. Leslie Delbecq is the ex-wife of Christopher Dahm, Gabrielle's biological father. In January 2010, during a court hearing in Florida, Delbecq and Dahm were awarded joint custody of Gabrielle.


However, it is alleged that Leslie Delbecq and Jeanine De Riddere arranged for Gabrielle to be taken from Florida on August 2, 2010, and arrive in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, on August 4, 2010. All of their tickets to Abu Dhabi allegedly were purchased through an airline employee. On August 4, 2010, Leslie Delbecq failed to return Gabrielle to her father, Christopher Dahm, as stated in the Broward County Court order. Gabrielle is believed to have been moved to Abu Dhabi in violation of the court order that denied Leslie Delbecq's request to relocate to Abu Dhabi with Gabrielle, and stated that Gabrielle is to remain in the United States.


On June 21, 2011, Leslie Delbecq and Jeanine De Riddere were indicted for international parental kidnapping by a Federal Grand Jury for the United States District Court, Southern District of Florida. Federal warrants were issued for their arrests.

Gabrielle Dahm is described as a White female, date of birth, December 26, 2008, with brown hair and blue eyes. She may also be known as "Gabby", Gabriella Nicole Dahm, or Gabrielle Delbecq.

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If you have any information concerning this person, please contact your local FBI office or the nearest American Embassy or Consulate.

Field Office: Miami

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