Unlawful Flight to Avoid Prosecution - Murder; Air Piracy; Kidnapping

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Image obtained in 2015
Photograph taken in 1971


Wanted by the FBI: Charles Lee Hill

Charles Lee Hill was allegedly involved in the 1971 shooting death of a New Mexico State Police officer. Hill is just one of several fugitives the FBI is highlighting during National Police Week for committing violent acts against law enforcement officers.


Wanted by the FBI: Charles Lee Hill

During National Police Week, the FBI is highlighting fugitives wanted for violent acts toward law enforcement officers in an effort to bring them to justice. One of those fugitives is Charles Lee Hill, who was allegedly involved in the shooting death of a New Mexico State Police officer during a traffic stop outside Albuquerque, New Mexico, in November 1971.

Se Busca por el FBI: Charles Lee Hill

Charles Lee Hill habría presuntamente estado involucrado en el tiroteo que resultó en la muerte de un oficial de la Policía del Estado de Nuevo México y en otros delitos violentos.

Featured News Item:

May 13, 2019

Seeking Tips, Pursuing Justice

During Police Week, the FBI is intensifying its efforts to identify and arrest fugitives believed to be involved in the assault or murder of law enforcement officers.


"Rashad", Fela Alatonsi, Charles Hill, Charlie Hill, Charlie Lee Hill, Fela Olatonsi, Fela Olatunji, Ronald Leon Thompson


Date(s) of Birth Used December 15, 1949, October 4, 1950
Place of Birth Olney, Illinois
Hair Black
Eyes Brown
Height 5'9" to 5'11"
Weight 165 to 170 pounds
Sex Male
Race Black
Nationality American
Scars and Marks Hill has a scar on his left cheek.
NCIC W052050680


Charles Lee Hill is wanted for his alleged involvement in a series of violent crimes that occurred in November of 1971.


On November 8, 1971, Hill was allegedly involved in the shooting death of a New Mexico State Police officer during a traffic stop approximately 15 miles west of Albuquerque, New Mexico. On November 27, 1971, Hill and two accomplices (believed to be deceased), allegedly also kidnapped a tow truck driver at gunpoint and forced him to drive the trio to the Albuquerque International Airport. The three men are alleged to have then hijacked a Trans World Airlines (TWA) flight, re-routing the plane to Tampa, Florida. After exchanging the hostages for fuel, Hill and his accomplices flew to Havana, Cuba.


On November 25, 1971, Hill was charged with murder by the Magistrate Court of Bernalillo District, State of New Mexico, and an arrest warrant was issued the same day for his arrest. On November 26, 1971, a federal arrest warrant was issued for Hill in the United States District Court for the District of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, and he was charged with unlawful flight to avoid prosecution.


Additionally, on December 14, 1971, Hill was charged in the United States District Court for the District of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, with six counts of possession of unregistered firearms, one count of air piracy, and one count of kidnapping.


Submit a Tip:

If you have any information concerning this person, please contact your local FBI office or the nearest American Embassy or Consulate.

Field Office: Albuquerque

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