September 25, 2011
Istanbul, Turkey


Photograph taken in 2009


Shayn Kaviani, Asgar Kazemi, Askar Kazemi


Date(s) of Birth Used March 22, 1959
Place of Birth Iran
Hair Brown with graying (short beard and mustache)
Eyes Brown
Height 167 cm (5'4")
Weight 90 kg (198 pounds)
Build Medium
Complexion Medium
Sex Male
Occupation Television Broadcaster
Citizenship United States
Languages English, Turkish, Spanish, Japanese, Persian (Farsi)
Scars and Marks Kazemi has large brown moles on top of his left wrist and on his right temple.


The United States Government is offering a reward of up to $200,000 for information leading directly to the safe location, recovery, and return of Shayan Kazemi.


Kazemi was last seen wearing a blue, striped shirt and a gray suit and is known to wear a necklace with a gold cross. He has Type 2 Diabetes and takes medication to manage it. He is known to smoke cigarettes, at one point, approximately two packs a day.


Shayan Kazemi departed the United States from Los Angeles, California, on September 24, 2011. He arrived in Istanbul, Turkey, on September 24, 2011, and last made contact with his family by telephone on September 25, 2011, from the Istanbul Royal Hotel, Aksaray Caddesi No. 16, 34480 Laleli, Istanbul, Turkey. He has not been heard from since that time.


Submit a Tip:

If you have any information concerning Shayan Kazemi, please contact the FBI Tip Line at or You can also contact your local FBI office, or the nearest American Embassy or Consulate.

Field Office: Washington D.C.

Submit an anonymous Tip online