Conspiracy to Commit Kidnapping; Kidnapping (3 Counts); Interstate Travel in Aid of Racketeering; Conspiracy to Collect an Extension of Credit by Extortionate Means; Collection of an Extension of Credit by Extortionate Means; Conspiracy to Distribute Marijuana; Aiding and Abetting



Trung D. Lu, Tuan Hoang, Phong Le, Phong Van Le, Brendan Lu, Calvin Lu, Trung Lu, Duc Trung, Duc L. Trung, Lu Trung, "B"


Date(s) of Birth Used October 1, 1980, December 2, 1979, December 9, 1979, November 13, 1980, October 1, 1981, October 10, 1982
Place of Birth Republic of Vietnam
Hair Black
Eyes Brown
Height 5'7"
Weight 140 pounds
Sex Male
Race Asian
Occupation Nail Technician
Nationality Vietnamese
Scars and Marks Lu has numerous tattoos including a dragon in the center of his back with the words “Asian Pride” in large script above it, and an unknown tattoo over his left pectoral. Both of his upper arms are heavily tattooed including a dragon and claw design and a tiger.
NCIC W660651561


The FBI is offering a reward of up to $50,000 for information leading directly to the arrest of Trung Duc Lu.


Trung Duc Lu was born in the Republic of Vietnam and moved to the United States as a teenager.  He has strong ties to New York City, where he resided in the borough of Queens.  Lu was last confirmed to be in the Republic of Vietnam.  He speaks both English and Vietnamese.

Lu is a suspected member of the Born to Kill street gang, also known as BTK or Canal Boys.


Trung Duc Lu is wanted in connection with the August 2014 torture, kidnapping, and murder of two Vietnamese brothers in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  A third male was also tortured and kidnapped, but managed to survive the attack.  On July 10, 2019, a federal arrest warrant was issued for Lu in the United States District Court, Eastern District of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, after he was charged with Conspiracy to Commit Kidnapping; Kidnapping (3 Counts); Interstate Travel in Aid of Racketeering; Conspiracy to Collect an Extension of Credit by Extortionate Means; Collection of an Extension of Credit by Extortionate Means; Conspiracy to Distribute Marijuana; and Aiding and Abetting.



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If you have any information concerning this person, please contact your local FBI office or the nearest American Embassy or Consulate.

Field Office: Philadelphia

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