Trailer for Echoes of Columbine
This documentary explores the issue of school shootings and what schools, parents, and law enforcement can do to help prevent these attacks.
Video Transcript
Jefferson County 911?
Yes, I'm a teacher at Columbine High School there is a student here with a gun, gun is right outside the library door.
Columbine; 49 minutes 13 dead those two young men stood on the stage and screamed and yelled their rage through violence and did so in a manner that got worldwide attention. Columbine has inspired over 80 copycat attacks. They want to become part of the Columbine mentality or they want to become a Columbine shooter at least 30 people believe to be killed on the campus of Virginia Tech University. Another possible mass shooting this one at a community college in Southwest Oregon. Police responded to reports of a shooting at South Castro Middle School a school shooting with reports of multiple fatalities this time in Santa Fe Texas. Probably this shooter was operating off the Columbine boiler plate. Columbine gives them a template. One of the most common myths about school shooters is that they can't be stopped. Whereas the opposite is true, school shootings can be stopped they are preventable there were so many places that this event could have been stopped. And that's when I heard the term threat assessment. Discerning the threat early and mitigating it before an event you're able to see the big picture if it's real to them it better be real to you. In most of these cases a family's parents have no idea what the what the kids were doing. We're preventing school attacks around this country all the time I can't predict, predict that it's going to happen but I can prevent it. All we really need is one person who comes forward every threat is a kid waving a red flag saying I've got a problem I can't solve it's time to step up. Protect your community protect your kids fix it right now before it's too late.
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