Israel Keyes Interview, May 24, 2012

Israel Keyes is believed to have committed multiple kidnappings and murders across the country between 2001 and March 2012. This is an interview investigators conducted with Keyes following his arrest in March 2012.

Video Transcript

BELL: Officer Jeff Bell, Anchorage Police Department

PAYNE: Special Agent Steve Payne, FBI

KEYES: Israel Keyes


KEYES No, I’m good thanks.

BELL Didn’t sleep much last night?

KEYES (Chuckles). No - not that.

BELL (Chuckles).

KEYES Needed a good workout apparently. I have muscles sore this morning I didn’t even know I had.

BELL Really?

KEYES (Chuckles).

PAYNE Which muscles?

BELL Geez that’s a good thing you didn’t get a full on.

KEYES It reminded me of like those, uh, late night infomercials they used to sell those machines that shock your abs and stuff.


PAYNE (Chuckles).

KEYES It’s like that on the muscles.

BELL (Unintelligible) you bought one of them?


BELL Oh, okay.

KEYES But I tried it once just for the hell of it.

BELL You get ripped from it?

KEYES No (chuckles).

BELL (Chuckles).

PAYNE No ripped so, uh, you weren’t too taken with the, uh, machine then basically?

KEYES No - oh the ab…


KEYES …shocker things? No, those things are like freaking fingernails on a chalk board (unintelligible).

PAYNE Okay, well ISRAEL, uh, we’re gonna run through this same stuff that we do every time. Uh, you know, we’re - we’re running a tape here just so we make sure we get all the facts straight and stuff.

KEYES All right.

PAYNE Um, and, uh, I just wanna confirm we didn’t interrupt a meeting with your attorney when we picked you up here at, uh…


PAYNE ….court today, right? Or at, uh, the jail today I’m sorry.


PAYNE Right? Okay. Um, and you’re here voluntarily right?


PAYNE Okay, um, you understand that we can’t talk about anything to do with the case involving, uh, Samantha KOENIG. Uh, if you do start talking about that stuff then we’ll have to stop the interview and we’ll have to take you back to jail. You understand that?


PAYNE Okay. Um, gonna run through your, uh, Miranda rights here. I know we’ve been through ‘em before but, uh, we’re gonna run through ‘em one more time. Before we ask you any questions you must understand your rights. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be used against you in court. Uh, you have the right to talk to a lawyer for advice before we ask you questions. Uh, you have the right to have a lawyer with you during questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer one will be appointed for you, uh, before any questioning if you wish. If you decide to answer questions now without a lawyer present you have the right to stop answering at any time. Uh, do you understand these rights as I’ve explained ‘em to you?


PAYNE And with that explanation in mind are you willing to waive your rights and speak with us today?


PAYNE Okay. Um, one other thing you’ve got, uh, standby counsel appointed in, uh, in this particular matter. I believe it’s, uh, Rich CURTNER, um…


PAYNE …and it may also be, uh, Jacqueline WALSH. I’m not 100 percent sure of that but, uh, be that as it may do you have - do you want either of those attorneys present today?


PAYNE Okay, um, are you on any medications or any other subs- substances that we should know about?


PAYNE Okay, and are you having any difficulty understanding where you’re at or what’s going on?


PAYNE Okay, I didn’t think so. All right, now that we’re done with that I apologize. Um, uh, we’re jump in here and the first thing I gotta tell ya, uh, ISRAEL we talked about it a little bit, uh - uh, earlier that - that stunt yesterday in the court room did not go over well.

BELL (Chuckles).


KEYES With who?

PAYNE Well with a lot of folks not the least of which were the, uh, were the prosecutors. And that was the delay actually getting in here is we knew you had some legal questions and so we reached out for ‘em to say hey, uh, ISRAEL says he’s got some questions are you guys available to speak to him? And, uh…

KEYES (Chuckles).

PAYNE …um, I - I couldn’t even get one of ‘em - one of ‘em was in court and the other one said, you know, basically what the fuck…

BELL (Chuckles).

PAYNE …after yesterday. So, uh, they - they didn’t think that was too funny. Um, so and…

KEYES Why are they afraid I’d actually get away? (Chuckles).


KEYES That would - that would be embarrassing for them I guess. (Chuckles).

PAYNE No it’s, uh, I - I don’t think that they were looking at it from that perspective, you know…

KEYES Lawyers just don’t like excitement that’s all it is.


BELL Well it’s more of a - it’s more of a understanding that they thought we were kinda working towards a - a goal and they’re, you know we’re - they’re working on trying to get - keeping Vermont on board and doing everything…

KEYES I would have sent the an anonymous letter.


BELL Yeah.

KEYES (Chuckles).

BELL And so they’re - they’re kinda wondering where we’re at with that. Where - where we at with the - what’s changed since yesterday?

KEYES Uh, more handcuffs. I don’t know.

BELL Yeah. So…

PAYNE What - what’s changed for you though?

KEYES Nothing. Possibly additional charges (chuckles). I don’t know.


KEYES Well I - I don’t understand what - why I - it surprises me that they would take that personally when it really doesn’t have anything to do with them (unintelligible).

PAYNE Well they - they didn’t - they didn’t - I didn’t ter- interpret it as thought they took it personally. They’re very concerned and - and, uh, and very frustrated because I think in their mind we had a business relationship set up here and, uh, they worked very hard to kinda lay out, uh, their position and the things that they thought that they could, uh…

KEYES Right.

PAYNE …potentially do that - that would be in your interested based on the information you’ve provided. And, uh, so they felt like we had a business relationship and, uh, they felt like the actions that you took yesterday really kind of threw that out the window. And I gotta - I gotta be honest it kinda looked that way from our perspective too.

KEYES Oh, I disagree. I mean honestly, um, if - and I know we can’t go too far back into some of the original interviews - the interviews that I had with them. But, um, by their own words yesterday and their op- opening statement to the judge in court, um, you know, I feel like I - they have not been, uh, honest with me about, uh, what my bottom line has been throughout all this. And that’s what I wanted to talk to them about so I’m not gonna take it out on you guys but I do have some serious issues right now. There’s, uh, some sort of obvious communication break down over the entirety of this whole situation and, um, and it’s easy to s- sit there and say on the recording we’re not here to talk about the KOENIG case but the fact of the matter is - is that they are the same people that I talked to about that originally so. You understand my position on that.

PAYNE Mm-hm.

KEYES So I understand I’m - I’m not allowed to talk to that and I’ve respected their wishes about not talking to that - to them about that either without my attorney present but, um, I have some serious frustrations right now regarding, uh, you know, matters related to that. So that’s, um, that’s, uh, as far as that’s concerned what - and I don’t think it’s something that can’t be worked out. I’ve been trying to work it out from my end but apparently there’s only so much I can do so, um, so that’s what I wanted to speak to them about. And not in a matter of any specifics regarding any other case just, uh, in like general topics. You know, like I say it’s topics that were discussed in open court yesterday so it’s, um, yeah, it’s that’s a frustration to me right now that they won’t talk to me about those topics but it’s okay to talk about it in open court? That’s, you know, I - I’m - I’m not buying that so. That’s okay…

PAYNE Well, there are different rules for what can be done in open court. Because your attorneys are present, the…

KEYES Right.

PAYNE …judge is present and when we’re having discussions over here we’ve got a completely different set of rules.

KEYES Right, because you have me…

PAYNE Right.

KEYES …sequestered away from - right I understand that. Um, and I’ve - I’ve been working on that as much as I can from my end. But, um, you know, there really is just like a couple very simple questions I have to ask ‘em that are and - and I need to get a straight answer from somebody before I can move forward on it because I’m not getting a straight answer on my end so.

BELL Okay. So…


BELL …you think they might be able to provide you with some…

KEYES Yes. I - I…

BELL General - general questions…

KEYES Right - right.

BELL …about…

KEYES Not - not even questions related to the case just, you know…

BELL And - and are you talking about the - the hearing yesterday afternoon or the hearing yesterday morning?

KEYES Yes, um, well let’s see.

BELL ‘Cause you had - you had two hearings yesterday.

KEYES Yeah, I didn’t - let’s see. I’m trying remember. First hearing, um, no it was pretty much strictly related to, uh, the afternoon hearing that, um…

BELL How - how ‘bout if you, uh, if you - if you can give me just a general question we might be able to make a phone call and see if they can…


BELL …um…

KEYES Well, okay, my…

BELL Generally.

KEYES …my position has been - and I made no secret about this, um, my position has been that I want to talk to them about, uh, the KOENIG case and find out, you know, where we stand…

BELL Wait. But - but you know - you know we can’t do that…


BELL …and they can’t do that right now without, um…

KEYES Right - no I under- I understand that. But he’s being…

BELL So we don’t wanna talk about the KOENIG case.

KEYES …the impression that I s- I spoke to him on - before and he gave the impression that he was open to that but only if my attorneys were present. And I said okay, fine I’ll talk to ‘em we’ll set it up. That was a month ago. So there’s something there’s a communication…

BELL Oh, I see.

KEYES That’s all I can say about it because their not here, you know…

PAYNE Right.

KEYES …to state their case, their side of the story. But I do know what they’ve been telling me and so if and - and, you know, he made it clear that, at least at that time, that, um, he was open to that suggestion that I had. And, um, and I’m assured that, uh, see I - yeah, I guess it just comes down to I don’t know who to believe right now. ‘Cause there’s something - something is…

PAYNE Fair enough.

KEYES …there’s a hitch in the communication somewhere.

PAYNE No that’s fair.

KEYES And it - and it’s all - and honestly I wasn’t that concerned about it until yesterday and I heard some of the things that were said in court and, uh, you know…

BELL Some of the things that were said by the…

KEYES By the prosecution.

BELL Oh the prosecution, okay.

KEYES I think it was RUSSO who was speaking but, yeah, I mean, yeah he was - from what he said I was not at all happy with the - and actually I had heard, um, I had heard a day or two before that hearing that - that was what was going on and I had no idea. And then to hear it confirmed in court like that kinda just, you know, was - was frustrating to me so…

PAYNE Mm-hm.

KEYES …you know. Um, and I - and honestly I, uh, I’m not gonna get in - all in a tizzy about it until we can at least talk about it and find out what is going on. It’s - I - it’s not that I’m not willing to accept peoples explanations for why things - for what’s going on it’s just that no one’s giving me an explanation so.

PAYNE Hm, okay. Um, well I guess my thought on that is we’ve - we’ve tried to do that and we’ll continue to try to do that but just keep in mind that all of us are, you know, we’re bound by the rules that…

KEYES Right.

PAYNE …are set down for us.


PAYNE And in - and in some cases, uh, the - the rules will be more astrictive than usual. And that’s kinda what’s going on here to be perfectly honest, you know, the…

KEYES Because of it’s high profile and all that.

PAYNE Well, yeah, there’s that and then, you know, sometimes there’s just additional rules that we have to live by and like the standby counsel thing frankly is - is kind of unusual. We don’t run into that very often.

KEYES Right.

PAYNE Um, and there are some other things, I’m not gonna get into it ‘cause it’s kinda legal stuff and that’s not really my strong suit. But just keep in mind that the attorneys are juggling more things than they normally would.

KEYES Right.

PAYNE And - and there are things I think that we would all like to be able to talk with you about but it - we just haven’t had that opportunity yet.

KEYES Right, and that’s my concern.


KEYES I - I and - and, uh…

BELL Are these questions that you have for the attorneys questions un- under the conditions that you know we have to speak about? Are these questions that they’re gonna be able to answer or they just gonna tell you we can’t talk to you about that because it’s not related…

KEYES They’re questions they’re probably not gonna wanna answer unless, um, unless I have…

BELL Okay, so it’s probably - it’s not something that they can even answer in this environment right now.

KEYES Not in - not right here right now.

BELL Okay.

KEYES But I do - I would like reconfirmation on the previous statement that FELDIS had - had told me I mean and he - he gave me that statement in a interview that was, you know, with just me and I don’t know if he was saying it as an official response or if he was just saying it to placate me. But he did say he was willing to do that - to have a meeting with me and whoever, you know, whatever counsel was required so that we could discuss things openly and it hasn’t happened.

BELL Okay.


PAYNE Well, and…

BELL And you think that…

KEYES And I’m not…

BELL And you think we’re on this side stalling that?

KEYES I don’t know who’s stall- somebody’s stalling it.


KEYES That’s all I can say for sure.


KEYES And it’s not me (chuckles).

PAYNE One - one thing that - one thing we can tell you is, uh, neither KEVIN nor FRANK are the kinda guys that are gonna tell you something just to shine ya on. So if…

KEYES I haven’t got that impression, no.

PAYNE No, they’re - they’re not. And so if they’ve told you something, it is something that they believe is - can be done. And, uh, and I don’t always understand all the reasons why things work exactly the way they do in the legal…

KEYES Right.

PAYNE …system but they’re not gonna bullshit ya, uh, it - it’s just not their…


PAYNE …style.

KEYES Right, I - I mean I - I - I agree with you and I believe you up to a point. I mean I’m not - it’s not like I’m here expecting special treatment. I have no - I have no doubts about what my part is in all this I’m just saying that, um, yeah, from what I’ve seen and from what my dealings are with them so far - I’m more inclined to put my faith in the things I’ve heard from them then from certain other people so…

BELL Well you know that they have gone through the - the what they’re trying to work out and I think they have worked out with Vermont is unheard of too. I think they…

KEYES Right, well I mean and - and, yeah…

BELL We were prepared to come in talk to you about that today and I just that - the - the lawyers are just, you know, they’re just not sure where we stand now because of yesterday. And they just - they want some assurance that - that we’re still kinda going…

KEYES Well, that is a good point I hadn’t even thought of it in that light that now that it’s on the news, the people there are gonna read it too so.

BELL Well, and that’s the difficulty that they’re having. They’re - they’ve been on con- conference calls talking to them saying, I thought this guy was, you know, I thought we were - that he’s on board. And so they’re - frankly that’s why we’re - we went through this trouble today to meet with you today to just kinda - so we could give ‘em a feel for - for…

KEYES Yeah, well…

BELL …how things are and where we - where we - where we stand and what we can tell ‘em where we stand. And this was just, uh, you know…

KEYES Yeah, well, I mean I know it’s gonna be hard for a- anybody to acc- accept but especially them I would imagine that, uh, that didn’t really have anything to do with our arrangement.

BELL And, but I don’t think…

KEYES From my perspective so.

BELL Okay, but I mean don’t think it’s something that they can’t work past. They’ve - they’ve worked through some pretty miracle stuff right now. So I think this is something they can probably - they just they want some assurance that, uh…

KEYES Yeah, well…

BELL …we - we’re gonna be able to go back down that same road that we were on…

KEYES I, okay…

BELL …we’ve made a major turn.

KEYES …strictly (chuckles). I don’t imagine this will stay strictly between you and me and people in this room but you - I believe the people in this room know me well enough now to know that, um, that when I say what happened yesterday has nothing to do with our arrangement it - like I say, it’s not some - part of some grand scheme, um, I all ready know how this all ends for me so.

BELL Well that - I mean that’s good. I think that we - if we can hear that from ya that - that’s - that’s…


BELL That was an opportunity that - that - that happened there and…

KEYES Right, that’s what it was.

PAYNE The - some of the things that they’re concerned about and that they’re getting questioned about by - like Vermont for example, uh, ‘cause like JEFF said we know that they had a long conference call with Vermont today trying to explain what happened and answer questions of, you know, Vermont - we saw a draft version of the letter and, uh, it was everything you asked for. I mean…


PAYNE …it truly was. And, uh, I think they’re trying to answer some pretty tough questions from Vermont right now about basically what the fuck?

KEYES Right but I mean still - even still from their perspective, um, I - they’ve - I mean come on lets face it, yeah, what happened yesterday ooh I’m a bad guy I tried to escape but, um, let’s be honest nobody really thought I was a good guy before that so (chuckles). It’s not like me escaping suddenly makes me untrustworthy. I was kind of untrustworthy before that so (chuckles).

PAYNE That’s…

BELL You - at least you have the - the perspective of, I mean, you’re not having unrealistic perspective (chuckles) of what...

KEYES Yeah, I’m not, um - and obviously (chuckles) I think you probably especially know that I’m not gonna get another opportunity like that. At least not within my lifetime (chuckles) so - so I mean, I don’t know - I don’t know what to tell ‘em. You know, all I can say is that, um, I mean nothings changed as far as, uh, my day to day, my reality. You know, it’s still - still the same.

BELL You still envision a way where we can get to meet - meet both of our goals. Where we can get what we want out of this…

KEYES I think - I think so but, um, like I say after - after yesterday I had some frustrations of my own so, uh, so that was kinda the catalyst that, you know…

BELL So what you’re saying is there - there’s a couple things you need cleared up from them before we…

KEYES I do, yeah, and I need - I mean and honestly like we talked about before like all this other stuff this like little bargaining chips whatever you wanna call it, you know, that’s - that is all one thing. But - but, you know, everybody knows what, uh, my bottom line concern is in all this. That I, you know, that I wanted this all wrapped up as quickly as possible and, uh, and like I say I was in open court yesterday and it’s obviously not happening that way so. Uh, so that’s, you know, and I’m - and I’m - it’s not that, uh, like I say - it’s not that I’m, uh, pointing the finger or placing the blame on anyone I haven’t even had an explanation of why things are the way they are so how do I know whose fault it is? Or if it’s anyone’s fault. I don’t even know that so. But, um, but that doesn’t mean it does - didn’t, you know, kinda, you know, ‘cause I - I remember - I remember all the interviews we’ve had, I remember what was said…

BELL Mm-hm.

PAYNE Mm-hm.

KEYES …since day one and, um, and my perspective hasn’t changed on any of that. Yeah, granted we’ve talked about a lot more things since then but those are all things that I all ready had in my head before. Just because they’re out on the table now that doesn’t change anything of what I wanted originally - what I’ve - what we talked about originally. It’s all - it’s all still the same issue so. Um, anyway that’s…

BELL Okay.

KEYES It’s all good.

PAYNE So all that being said, where can we go from here?

KEYES Um, I honestly I don’t know - I don’t know that, uh, we can go anywhere until I get some straight answers on, you know, what I - what I was just talking about. ‘Cause, uh, because really that - that is - that has been my - my bottom line all - all along. And, uh, and, you know, I won’t be a bit surp- I think I know what’s going on but I need confirmation, uh, before I decide to take the next step or steps whatever it takes to…

BELL And - and I don’t know specifically what you’re talking about but, I mean, it’s very possible that - that - that it’s something - whatever your questions are that they - they may not be able to answer ‘em for - because.

KEYES Right, for other reasons.


KEYES Yeah - no I understand that. I mean I - I know there’s - regardless of how unusual the situation is that doesn’t mean we can make it even more unusual so.

BELL I mean they’re…

KEYES I know they still have guidelines and rules and - they have to follow and, you know, I’m not expecting all the answers…

BELL Did - did this - nobody wants to cross the line that we’ve been told by a judge, can’t be crossed. And…

KEYES Right.

BELL …they - they can’t do that nobody can. And so…

KEYES Yeah - no I - yeah, I know.

BELL I mean all I can tell you is you’re gonna have to use your judgment on the information that your getting and see if you can deem from it …

KEYES No that’s - yeah, that’s what I’m trying to do. But, um, but it’s, uh (chuckles) it’s not an easy thing when you get everything through a - a middle man as it were. So, um, like I say I don’t know who to put the blame on right now. I’m pretty sure I know but, you know, it’s I - I was trying really hard to work with everybody on this - keep everybody happy but as we all know that doesn’t always happen so. And I don’t, you know, I don’t want this to turn into anymore - my whole concern with, in all of this and I know it’s gonna happen if I have to do it I will but, you know, if I - if I have to take the next step and just freaking, you know, it’s gonna turn into even more of a three ring circus and…

BELL That - that nobody wants.

KEYES Right, and nobody wants that. And I don’t think they want that so I - that’s why I thought it was in everyone’s best interest that, you know, that we could all have a meeting. You know, like get all parties involved. But once again sit down and have a meeting just like in the beginning. Like when there was no question about the legality or whether this was proper or improper, you know, it was all - there was nothing weird or unusual about that. It was a standard interview and there was no objections or court orders or paperwork or petitions, you know, all this stuff that’s happened since then it seems like it’s done nothing. It hasn’t changed anything. I still come over here and talk to you about stuff. It hasn’t changed any of that, it hasn’t changed my bottom line at all. All it’s done is made everything more complicated for everyone else involved. And the - and…

BELL And therefore you…

KEYES …the bottom of that I st- I don’t get a straight answer on anything. Well, I mean maybe I have been. I hope I have been. At least on a few things but definitely not on everything. ‘Cause I’m not there, I don’t know - I don’t see all the emails, I don’t see all the paperwork, I don’t see what’s - I don’t hear what’s said. You know, and I - it’s not even that I wanna hear or know all that stuff but I at least like to hear and know about the stuff that pertains to me (chuckles) and what my interest in it is so.

PAYNE I think one of their, uh, concerns and - and I think we all share it is that yesterdays actions, regardless of why you took ‘em, uh, are just gonna create new hurdles for ‘em.


PAYNE From the standpoint of - I mean literally they had something I - I really think it was just about agreed to, uh, it - it may have even been agreed to and I just don’t know it. But like I said we saw a draft version of a letter that had I think everything that you discussed or wanted in it.

KEYES Uh-huh.

PAYNE So they had achieved that, um, and then that stunt yesterday has now endangered that, uh, in addition, you know, their - I think their concern now that maybe you have a different agenda than what you’ve told us because you were very specific. You know, I don’t want any media attention, uh, this has created a bit of a frenzy…

KEYES (Chuckles).

PAYNE I gotta believe that you’re next court appearance is gonna be standing room only.

BELL There’s gonna be…

KEYES Probably gonna be a lot of vigilantes guarding the door on that one (chuckles).

BELL I’m afraid there’s gonna be, you know, there’s only - there was only a couple media p- people there yesterday. I’m afraid tom- tomorrow’s gonna have some…


BELL A fair amount more media people unfortunately.

PAYNE And then arguably one of the probably biggest potential hurdles now is, you know, we know you’ve indicated that you wanna represent yourself on the things for which you’re not charged, um, and this could be a huge hurdle now that didn’t previously exist.

KEYES Right. No I - I get that, yeah.

PAYNE These are all things that all of us are thinking about but to be honest they’re probably more focused on it than the rest of us. And you may not have thought about those things but that’s what they’re mulling over.

KEYES Right - no I - I get that. I get what you’re saying. And honestly I really hadn’t thought of it at all until you mentioned it. I, uh, I was - I was concerned about the media coverage. Not really thinking about the effect it would have on the things we’ve discussed thinking more about, you know, that is my bottom line I didn’t want a bunch of press and…

BELL Mm-hm.

KEYES …didn’t want a bunch of drama and, uh, honestly I coulda lived with the drama as long as I had been successful in escaping…

BELL (Chuckles).

PAYNE (Chuckles).

KEYES …but, uh, since I didn’t now I’m like man I really wish I hadn’t created all this drama (chuckles).

BELL Well, um, maybe we could, uh, maybe I - we could step out and I can make a phone call over and just…


BELL …express some things, you know, just let ‘em - let ‘em know some - some concerns I don’t know what the specific questions are. It sounds like they’re probably questions that wouldn’t be able to be answered in this setting with the people that are here…

KEYES No, probably not. But I mean you get the gist of…

BELL I do.

KEYES …what I’m saying I think. And I, you know, I’m not…

BELL I appreciate that - your honesty and - and you talking with us.

KEYES Yeah I’m not - I - I have no problem with other people speaking for me, you know, the bottom line is I get to make all the decisions in the end I’m not gonna be coerced or tricked into something that I don’t know I’m getting into at this point. So, yeah, I mean if you need to pass on in your own words whatever you think is going on, go for it. You know, and I’ll - the more communication we have on the issue the quicker it can get resolved. And I can get to the bottom of whatever is going on - on my end so, you know.

PAYNE Okay, all right well, uh, let us step out for a minute and we’ll be back with you.

KEYES All right.

BELL And re-entering.

PAYNE We’re going back in.

BELL 4:16.

PAYNE Okay, ISRAEL appreciate your, uh, patience here. Um, we talked to the, uh, the attorneys and, uh, they’re more than happy to sit down and - and talk with ya just like…

BELL Al- always have been.


BELL Whenever.

PAYNE Just like KEVIN said before. Nothing’s changed and we knew that but, uh…


PAYNE …we just reconfirmed that. And they had us - what they’re gonna do is they’re gonna draft a, uh, letter that says we understand - we the prosecutors understand that, uh, Israel KEYES wants to sit down and talk about, uh, whatever issues…

BELL Things…

PAYNE Yeah, um, just leave it completely open, uh, with his attorneys - with your attorneys.

KEYES Right.

BELL They’re ready - they’re ready first thing tomorrow morning.



PAYNE And they’re going to, uh, they’re gonna sent that to your attorneys and, uh, and you should get a copy as well.

BELL They’re gonna CC a copy to you so you know that it was sent.


KEYES All right. Good.


KEYES Well my attorney should show up tonight so that’s good to know.

PAYNE So you’ll have a copy…

KEYES I’ll give him a heads up.

PAYNE …you’ll have a copy of the letter. You’ll know exactly what it says and then it’s up to you and your attorneys, uh, whether or not you follow through on it.

KEYES All right, well that will be much better than, uh…


KEYES …whole shot in the dark…


KEYES (Chuckles).

PAYNE And - and they’re not - they’re not doing this to blow you off, uh, here today. It’s just they’re concerned that you’re gonna ask questions that they can’t…

BELL Uh - uh, yeah, I kinda told ‘em what was going on…

KEYES No that’s fine, I mean, I….

BELL They don’t wanna cross a line they wanna be…

KEYES No I agree. I - I don’t want to talk about these things until we can talk them.

BELL Okay.

KEYES I don’t wanna pussy foot around or, you know, like talk around the edges of issues when we could just…


KEYES …get it all out in the open.


KEYES And that’s what I’ve been trying to do but, you know, apparently I was right in my assumption so that’s good to know. We’ll get things moving now and, uh, especially, you know, if they get that letter to them and I - then there’s no doubt in my mind as to what’s going on so.

BELL Okay. Then, uh, we’ll - we’ll talk to them and they - they’ll shoot that out as soon as they can and who knows maybe your uh - your uh, you guys will get it even this evening.

KEYES Yeah. And then, uh, I don’t know, did - have you guys heard what time I have court tomorrow or?

BELL I think it’s at two o’clock.

PAYNE Yeah. I think it is.

KEYES All right.


KEYES All right. Good. So…

PAYNE So there’s plenty of time.

KEYES Yeah, all right. Well…

BELL All right.

KEYES …that’s good to know. I’ll, uh, I imagine I’ll see ‘em tonight so, yeah…

BELL All right.

KEYES …have some words.

BELL Well I think - unless you have anything - any other questions or anything else you want to, uh…

KEYES Not, yeah, not - I don’t know.

BELL You wanna nap before tonight?


BELL (Chuckles).

KEYES I don’t thing so (chuckles).

PAYNE All right well, uh, hang tight for us here for just a minute…

KEYES All right.

PAYNE …and we’ll be back and we’ll probably be, uh, heading back, all right?

KEYES All right.

BELL You got your guys still?

PAYNE They should still be here but we need to double check first.

BELL All right. (Unintelligible) he can wait.

Background Noise.


KEYES (Clears throat).


KEYES (Clears throat).

Background Noise (knock on door)



PAYNE No I definitely would, thanks.

BELL We’re gonna take you back.

PAYNE This stuff here.

U. We got the personnel?

BELL We got what?

U. Personnel.



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