Ask an ASAC: Counterintelligence

The FBI is the lead agency for exposing, preventing, and investigating intelligence activities in the U.S. In this video, FBI Seattle's Assistant Special Agent in Charge gives an introduction of the counterintelligence program.

Video Transcript

Int.: Greg, you oversee our counterintelligence program, and I think a lot of people might wonder, A., how is that different than counterterrorism? And B., What does the FBI do when it comes to counterintelligence? I thought the FBI just chases after bank robbers.

ASAC Austin: Sure. So as opposed to counterterrorism, which is more about thwarting physical attacks against Americans or American institutions, counterintelligence is about stopping hostile foreign governments from covertly acquiring classified information or proprietary economic information.

Int.: So, I mean, I imagine this is something that we see in the United States. Is it something that we see here in Washington state?

ASAC Austin: Absolutely. So the state of Washington is among the top targets for hostile foreign governments’ intelligence efforts. Two things in particular stand out about the state of Washington. One is our relatively prominent military bases. And the second is the tech industry that we have here.

Int.: So, you know, when I think of counterintelligence, I think of spies, trying to get military secrets. Are there other kinds of counterintelligence operations or investigations that the FBI is involved with or is concerned about?

ASAC Austin: Absolutely. So although foreign spies definitely rank classified secrets as among their top targets, things don't have to be classified to be of interest to hostile foreign governments. Economic information, especially proprietary, closely held information related to the highest tech sectors that we have are among their targets as well. But this sounds like something that's really scary to somebody, and I'm just glad that we have the FBI out here looking, trying to do everything they can to stop it.


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