FBI Jacksonville Special Agent in Charge: Together, We Can Protect Our Communities from Hate Crimes

To combat hate crimes, the FBI and our law enforcement partners need your help. If you—or someone you know—are being victimized, report it immediately.

Video Transcript

Rehler: I’m Kristin Rehler, Special Agent in Charge of FBI Jacksonville.

Hate crimes are acts of violence or hostility directed at groups or individuals based on their race, ethnicity, disability, gender, sexual orientation, or religion. This not only causes harm to the victims but also spreads fear and dissension throughout our communities. It's crucial to understand that these targeted acts against members of our community can’t be tolerated. Every person deserves to live without fear of being victimized for who they are. By standing together against hate crimes, we protect not only the dignity of our fellow citizens but also the values of equality, justice, and freedom.

To combat hate crimes, the FBI and our law enforcement partners need your help. If you, or someone you know, is being victimized – report it immediately. Call us directly at 904-248-7000 or 1-800-CALL-FBI. If it’s an emergency and you’re in immediate danger, call 9-1-1.

Take a stand, speak up, and join forces with us in our fight against hate crimes.

To learn more, visit www.fbi.gov/hatecrimes.

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