FBI Houston Teen Academy

This video gives the public a glimpse of FBI Houston's Teen Academy and why it's important for our field office to host such a community outreach program and to hear directly from participating students what they take away from spending a day at the FBI.

Video Transcript

PAO Brittany Garcia: Welcome to FBI Houston Teen Academy!


Houston Special Agent in Charge Chris Raia: These kids were selected from a bunch of different applications and these are the type of kids that we want leading the Bureau at some point, so the more we can push our brand, push our name out there and get kids like that who will most likely be very successful in life, get them to apply to be part of our outfit, it only makes our outfit stronger in the end.


(Teen participant) I’ve never really been interested in law enforcement but I’m glad I got to learn about the really behind the scenes and break the stereotypes that you see in the movies and Hollywood. It’s really different and you see what they do in forensics, the investigations, the priorities here.


Houston Special Agent in Charge: Perrye K. Turner: I think this program shows young people the importance of building partnerships with law enforcement, understanding what roles we play in enforcing crimes and what we’re trying to accomplish as far as accomplishing our mission which is to protect the American people and uphold the laws of the Constitution.

Teen Participant: It’s pretty cool, I think. Compared to like a job that requires you to just sit down and like do work, it’s like always different and ever case is different so I think that’s really interesting.


Teen Participant: Oh, what is it like? I don’t know. It’s really heavy and I can’t hear anything (laughter) and I don’t know, I can’t lift my arms either. I don’t even know how I’d be able to walk in this.


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