The FBI at IACP 2024: Continuing to Build Partnerships

The FBI participates in the IACP convention every year. It is an opportunity for all members of law enforcement to meet, share best practices, and identify ways to better help one another improve their efforts to police more effectively and safely.

Video Transcript

Wray: Since the Bureau's founding all the way back in 1908, IACP has been an integral partner for the FBI, bringing together both big city departments, some, frankly, with more employees than we have at the Bureau, and police forces in small towns that might only have a few officers total.   No matter where we all come from, what brings us together is our shared understanding of the power of partnerships.  

Contee: Silo communication continues to be a threat and challenge for modern-day law enforcement. And it's conferences like IACP that really help us to bring those barriers down to communication. We want to make sure that we're forward leaning, as the FBI, but we also want to make sure that we're in sync with our partners as we collaborate and communicate, across the spectrum to ensure the safety of Americans everywhere.  

Workman: Since 2010, I have been coming here. I've worked for an agency that has less than ten people my entire career. Coming here and having that opportunity to network with the FBI and network with all of their divisions and understand what they have available for us, makes it so much easier for me now, as a chief of police, to be able to reach out because I can now put the face with the name.  

Terry: We're all dealing with very similar things, but yet different. And so it's important for all of us to come together. We don't – none of us have the single answer. And coming here and hearing about different people's experiences from their presentations, hearing what other people have tried, and some other communities that you can take back to yours or know what not to do, what's not been successful...  

Morales: I believe it is important for the partners to meet with the FBI and outside settings, like, the IACP, because it brings you out of the office. It gives you the ability to not only network and build those partnerships and those connections in an atmosphere that's not tense, that's not, under any type of emergency situation.  

Brown: It's all about making our communities safer. And if I can learn something here at this conference that another agency has taught me, I can take that back and just make things better.  

Contee: I hope to have our partners leave this conference knowing that there's no better partner than the FBI. We bring a tremendous amount of resources to bear to support our state and local partners, as well as our federal partners across America, to ensure the safety and security of Americans everywhere.  

Wray: No single agency can confront the complex and continuously evolving threats we face alone. So if we're going to stay ahead of the threat, we've got to work together.  

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