Violence Against American Indian or Alaska Native Females, 2021 – 2023

The FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting Program, or UCR, has released a special report titled Violence Against American Indian or Alaska Native Females for the years 2021 to 2023, exclusively on the FBI's Crime Data Explorer website.

Video Transcript

Narrator: The FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting Program, or UCR, has released a special report titled Violence Against American Indian or Alaska Native Females for the years 2021 to 2023, exclusively on the FBI's Crime Data Explorer website.

This report contains information about the victims’ predominant relationships to the offenders, weapons used by the offenders, locations of the incident, and age of the victims, all of whom were reported to the UCR Program by law enforcement agencies as being American Indian or Alaska Native females.

The violent offenses that were examined were murder, aggravated assault, and intimidation. The sexual offenses discussed in this report include rape, sexual assault with an object, sodomy, and fondling.

From 2021 to 2023, in aggravated assault and intimidation incidents, the offender was most often the victim's intimate partner.

In cases of murder, however, the victim most often did not know the offender. In sexual offense cases, the victim most often did know the offender.

For all offenses, except for murder, the primary weapon type used by the offender was a personal weapon such as hands, feet, teeth, or even asphyxiation. Firearms were most often used in cases of murder.

Women aged 30 to 35 were most commonly victims of violent offenses. Juvenile females aged 12 to 17 were most often sexual assault victims.

For additional information on the FBI's UCR Program Special Report “Violence against American Indian or Alaska Native Females” for the years 2021 to 2023, visit the Special Reports tab on the FBI's Crime Data Explorer website.

Articles like this one are only possible when agencies submit their data to the National Incident-Based Reporting System.

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