Students Get Inside Look at Life as an FBI Agent
The Cleveland Field Office’s Future Agents in Training (FAIT) course is a four-day introduction to the FBI for rising high school seniors in northern Ohio. This year's program in June drew applicants from 40 counties covered by the Cleveland Division and its satellite offices.
Video Transcript
Sarah Cahill, a community outreach specialist: Hi. Welcome.
Gregory Nelsen, special agent in charge: This is a very popular program. What we're trying to do is two things over the next four days for you guys. One, convince you the FBI is a cool place to work. It's never too early to start looking for what you want to do.
Instructor: If he takes his foot off, those wires touch and then the bomb goes off. We want to stop that from happening.
Cahill: So, I think the ultimate goal of the Future Agents in Training program is just to highlight the work of the FBI and kind of demystify some of the things that are out there, especially among teenagers, and to ultimately have 40 new advocates for the Bureau.
Instructor: Today, June 14, at approximately 8:45 a.m., two explosive devices were detonated at the Browns Stadium. Cleveland Police Department has...
Student: We are still conducting our investigation to see who did it, but that's what we have so far.
Student: It's been very, like, jarring to see like just how methodical that kind of process is for the just, like, the bomb scenes and for any kind of crime scene like this.
Student: I think that movies and TV shows are very misleading because everything happens so fast. But when we were actually experiencing it, we had to document everything. There was a photo log, there was an evidence log, the case number, the item number, description, location, time. Like, there's a lot more that goes into examining a crime scene than people realize.
Student: There's so much teamwork in it that I didn't realize was in it. Like, every part of the FBI works with every other part of the FBI. And it's really cool that you rely on people that you don't even know, but you know you can rely on them.
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