Washington, D.C.
FBI National Press Office
(202) 324-3691
August 30, 2024

FBI Safe Online Surfing Challenge Now Available in Spanish as the 2024-2025 School Year Begins

With back to school well underway, the FBI wants to remind teachers, parents, and students about our Safe Online Surfing (SOS) website—a free, educational program geared toward students that teaches about cyber safety in an engaging way. Starting on September 1, the FBI Safe Online Surfing challenge will again be in both English and Spanish.

To participate in the testing and national competition, educators voluntarily register their classes. Any public, private, or home school located within the United States that has at least five students may compete.

The FBI SOS Challenge engages classrooms from schools throughout the United States. Cumulatively, we estimate more than a million students have taken the SOS test since it first launched.

While designed for students, the program is available to the public, enabling all to explore the program and learn more about cyber safety.