FBI Releases Violence Against American Indian or Alaska Native Females, 2021-2023 Special Report
On January 14, the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program released "Violence Against American Indian or Alaska Native Females, 2021-2023 Special Report" on the FBI’s Crime Data Explorer at https://cde.ucr.cjis.gov. This special report examines violent and sexual crimes committed against victims reported as American Indian or Alaska Native females to the FBI’s UCR Program. This does not mean the offenses occurred on tribal lands.
This study uses National Incident-Based Reporting System data from 2021 to 2023 about female victims of violent and sexual offenses who are American Indian and Alaska Native and their relationship to the offender, weapons used against the victims, their ages, and location types where the incidents occurred. This study examines the violent and sexual crimes of murder, aggravated assault, rape, sexual assault with an object, sodomy, fondling, and intimidation.
The reported information in this study shows many American Indian and Alaska Native females are victimized by their intimate partner for violent and sexual offenses. From 2021 to 2023, law enforcement reported 25,817 incidents of violent crime and 8,575 incidents of sexual crimes against victims who are American Indian or Alaska Native females.
A video containing the report’s highlights is available at fbi.gov/video-repository/crime-data-explorer-cde-violence-against-natives/view. You can also find the full report in the Special Reports section of the FBI’s Crime Data Explorer.