FBI Hosts 16th Annual International Bomb Data Center Working Group Conference
On September 14-18, 2015, the Federal Bureau of Investigation will host the Annual International Bomb Data Center Working Group (IBDCWG) Conference in Atlanta, Georgia.
The IBDCWG is a collaborative body of bomb data centers and recognized government agencies focused on the efficient and effective sharing of technical intelligence on explosives, as well as other information related to the unlawful use of explosives.
The IBDCWG was formed in 2005 by bomb data centers from 12 countries, including the United States. Since then, the group has more than doubled and today includes bomb data centers from 40 member nations, with 12 other countries participating with observer status. According to protocols adopted by the group, the roles and functions of international bomb data centers vary considerably. However, all members must be legitimate government agencies responsible for the management of technical intelligence and information related to the unlawful use of explosives.
The annual conference will include separate presentations from member nations regarding major incidents, emerging trends, and other topics of interest. A range day is scheduled where new tools and techniques will be demonstrated, followed later in the week by focused discussions with governmental and business entities in order to learn their best practices which bomb data centers may employ in any future attack where explosives are used.
The FBI serves as the secretary on the IBDCWG board and as a co-chair for the Americas.