FBI Executive Assistant Director Darrin Jones to Participate in United Nations Crimes Congress Panel on Lawful Access
Later today, FBI Executive Assistant Director Darrin Jones will participate in a panel discussing the impact of end-to end encryption on lawful access and public safety during the 14th United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice in Kyoto, Japan, streaming from 9:30 – 11:00 p.m. EST.
The virtual panel will bring together international leaders from law enforcement, cyber security, national security, and child safety arenas to discuss their efforts to address the lawful access to encrypted data challenge that continues to systemically undermine the public safety mission.
EAD Jones, who leads the FBI’s scientific, operational technology, and criminal justice information sharing programs, will discuss the escalating risk posed by the lawful access to encrypted data challenge, which impedes the investigation and prevention of serious crimes such as online child exploitation and sexual abuse. His remarks underscore the shared interests between law enforcement and industry to ensure aggressive support and recommended use of strong, but responsibly managed encryption.
EAD Jones will also highlight the importance of continued cooperation and partnership in the international law enforcement community that is vital to address public safety and the national security challenges presented by modern communication services, applications, and devices.