January 31, 2025

Seeking Victim Information in Dallas Shuler Investigation

The FBI’s Seattle Division is seeking to identify potential victims of Dallas Shuler, who was recently charged with several charges pertaining to the online sexual exploitation of children. The investigation is still pending and all charges at this point are allegations.

Mr. Shuler used a variety of social media aliases and often posed as a pre-teen to young teen female to solicit images and videos from children. It is believed Mr. Shuler may have been in contact with some children from the Riverside School District and surrounding area. The aliases Mr. Shuler used were:

Snapchat: “Chloe Kent”, “Daiz :)”, “Taylor Toney”, “Skylar Grey”, “Kylie Korver”, “Lily”

Kik: “oopcoop2”

Tik Tok: “kyliekorv”

If you and/or your minor dependent(s) were victimized by Dallas Shuler or have information relevant to this investigation, please fill out this short form.

If you know of someone else who has possibly been victimized by Dallas Shuler, please encourage them to complete the form themselves.

The FBI is legally mandated to identify victims of federal crimes it investigates. Victims may be eligible for certain services, restitution, and rights under federal and/or state law. Your responses are voluntary but may be useful in the federal investigation and to identify you as a potential victim. Based on the responses provided, you may be contacted by the FBI and asked to provide additional information. All identities of victims will be kept confidential.