Girl Scouts Compete in Science Challenge

The Outreach - Fall 2021

Community outreach is about building partnerships locally and nationally that help prevent crime and protect our diverse nation.

Read about the FBI’s latest outreach initiatives, notable outreach activities and successes by Bureau partners and personnel, advice for staying safe from emerging threats and scams, career opportunities, and more. 

The FBI Encourages the Public to Report Hate Crimes 

The FBI is engaged in a nationwide effort to build public awareness of hate crimes and encourage reporting to law enforcement. 

Hate crimes are the highest priority of the FBI’s civil rights program because of the devastating impact they have on families and communities. Hate crimes are not only an attack on the victim—they are meant to threaten and intimidate an entire community. 

“Hate crimes are the top priority within the FBI’s Civil Rights Program, due to the devastating impact these types of crimes have on communities. One act can terrorize entire communities and groups of people,” said FBI Associate Deputy Director Jeffrey Sallet. “There’s simply no place in this country for hate and intolerance. We in the FBI stand ready to use all the tools at our disposal to reduce the threat of hate crimes and fulfill our mission to protect every American.” 

The FBI is the lead investigative agency for criminal violations of federal civil rights statutes. The Bureau works closely with its local, state, tribal, and federal law enforcement partners in many of these cases, even when federal charges are not pursued. The FBI also works to detect and prevent incidents through law enforcement training, public outreach, and partnerships with community groups.

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Protecting our communities together. Report Hate Crimes. Call 1-800-CALL FBI or visit

Girl Scouts of the USA and FBI Sign MOU in Support of STEM Programs for Girls 

FBI seal patch

The recruitment and retention of individuals with exceptional science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) talent is a top priority for the FBI. Furthermore, the FBI seeks to promote awareness of its mission and initiatives among young people. 

In furtherance of these goals, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Girl Scouts of the USA are collaborating to increase young women’s interest, confidence, and competency in the fields of STEM. Girl Scouts provides young women the opportunity to participate in STEM programming and activities with their troops each year. These programs engage Girl Scout members in STEM topics such as cyber security and online safety, while encouraging civic awareness. 

FBI community outreach specialists within FBI field offices will collaborate with local Girl Scout councils and other similar organizations to offer girls STEM-related speakers, resources, events. FBI employees will deliver presentations to Girl Scouts and facilitate activities within Girl Scouts’ current STEM and cybersecurity programming to earn various Girl Scout badges. Girl Scouts will also learn about the mission and work of the FBI and its STEM-focused career offerings. 

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The FBI Participates in the 38th Annual National Night Out 

National Night Out 2021 police-community partnerships graphic.

Two youngsters visit the FBI table at a National Night Out event near Charlotte, North Carolina, in August 2021.

Two children visit the FBI table at a National Night Out event near Charlotte, North Carolina.

In August, FBI field offices across the country participated in the annual National Night Out festivities. The program, introduced in 1984, is typically held the first Tuesday in August. Local law enforcement agencies, neighborhood watch groups, civic organizations, state and regional crime prevention associations, and thousands of volunteers work year-round to coordinate activities and events to celebrate National Night Out.

FBI agents, professional support staff, and Citizens Academy graduates handed out pamphlets on child safety, internet security, scams, and fraud schemes. Additionally, FBI employees staffed booths, played interactive games with children, posed for photographs, and visited with community members. Participants were also able to get an up-close look at some of the gear FBI agents use and ask questions about the Bureau.

The first National Night Out involved 2.5 million neighbors in 25 states. The inaugural event included block parties, festivals, parades, cookouts, and other activities. Many neighborhoods also had “meet and greets” with public safety personnel, safety demonstrations, seminars, youth events, and exhibits.

This year, the National Night Out program had participation from more than 38 million neighbors in 16,000 communities throughout the nation. This event helps to build bridges between law enforcement agencies and the communities they serve to make neighborhoods safer. 

The Minneapolis Field Office supported several National Night Out events in Minnesota and North Dakota in August 2021; some stops even included a visit from an FBI Evidence Response Team vehicle.

The Minneapolis Field Office supported several National Night Out events in Minnesota and North Dakota; some stops included a visit from an FBI Evidence Response Team vehicle.

Remembering 9/11 

9/11 20th anniversary logo stacked: 2001 - 2021, Never Forget
Sun and haze at Ground Zero site in New York after 9/11 attacks.

The morning of September 11, 2001 remains one of the most pivotal points in American history—and for the FBI. The ensuing investigation was the largest in the history of the Bureau. The attacks led to far-reaching changes in the organization and elevated terrorism to the gravest threat against the U.S.

The attacks took the lives of nearly 3,000 people, and the crash sites represented the largest crime scene in FBI history. At the peak of the case, more than half of all FBI agents were at work to identify the hijackers and their sponsors and, along with other agencies, to head off any possible future attacks.

Over the last 20 years, the Bureau evolved from an agency focused primarily on criminal offenses into an intelligence-based national security and law enforcement organization. Preventing terrorism continues to be the FBI’s top priority; the Bureau has established more than 200 Joint Terrorism Task Forces with partner law enforcement agencies across the country.

This year, the country marks 20 years since the terror attacks of 9/11. We remember the lives lost and sacrifices made that day and in the years since. The FBI’s Office of Public Affairs has published a three-part story series on how 9/11 shaped today’s FBI. 

In addition to Special Agent Lenny Hatton, who died during the terrorist attacks, many other FBI employees have died from illnesses they contracted as a result of their work at or near 9/11 crash sites. Several of these employees have already been added to the FBI’s Wall of Honor. Investigative Specialist Saul Tocker, who died in December 2021, and others will be added in the months ahead. 

The FBI 9/11 Toll by the Numbers

  • Approximately 4,000 FBI employees responded to 9/11 sites.
  • About 1,000 current and former employees are registered for the World Trade Center Health Program or are in the process of registering.
  • At least 100 FBI employees have become sick as a result of illnesses incurred through work at or near 9/11 crash sites.
  • 17 employees have died from these illnesses.
  • 70% of 9/11 responders have now retired from the FBI. The FBI continues to contact them to encourage them to register for the World Trade Center Health Program.

Support and Resources

Starting a Career with the FBI 

FBI summer interns get a lesson from a special agent in uncovering evidence with a device used by Evidence Response Team.

Are you a full-time college student who has strong analytical thinking abilities and excellent communication skills? Are you self-motivated and flexible? Do you work well in a team environment? If you answered “yes” to these questions, the Bureau is looking for you! 

Every summer the FBI hosts the Honors Internship Program, an exciting 10-week paid internship for college undergraduate and graduate students. While exploring the Bureau’s vast career options, students work side-by-side with FBI employees at our Washington, D.C.-area Headquarters or in field offices around the country. Students with a background in accounting, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, law, and cyber are encouraged to apply. 

If you or someone you know may be interested in applying for the HIP, please visit to learn more about the internship qualifications. The application period for the 2022 HIP is September 13, 2021 to October 17, 2021. 


Left: Sharon Mentkowski, a community outreach specialist from Buffalo, was honored in 2021 at the Eid Carnival with the Organizational Impact and Community Service Award. Buffalo Special Agent in Charge Stephen Belongia, right, accepted the award on her behalf from Faizan Haq, the founding president of WNY Muslims. Right: Kathryn Sipes, community outreach specialist in the Indianapolis Field Office, received the Sagamore of the Wabash Award from Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb. This special tribute is usually given to those who have rendered distinguished service to the state or to the governor.

The FBI National Citizens Academy Alumni Association Hosts Leadership Conference 

Last month, the FBI National Citizens Academy Alumni Association (FBINCAAA) hosted the 2021 National Leadership Conference in Las Vegas. Attendees participated in educational programs, breakout sessions, and special events. 

The three-day affair began with the opening of exhibits, a silent auction, and an awards ceremony. Todd Lindgren, a public affairs specialist in the Cincinnati Field Office, was honored with the annual Tracy L. Ballinger Partnership Award for his efforts. The award was created in 2019 to recognize FBI employees who demonstrate exceptional partnership with the FBINCAAA program, setting high standards, and providing assistance, guidance, and support.

Another highlight of the conference was a keynote speech by FBI Deputy Director Paul Abbate. Other noteworthy remarks were delivered by former FBI Assistant Director Frank Figliuzzi and FBINCAAA National President Alicia Wadas. Participants also spent time networking and discussing effective leadership strategies.

More than 30 community outreach specialists from around the country were able to attend the conference and share feedback and best practices with FBI Headquarters staff. 

Community outreach specialists from around the country gather during the FBI National Citizens Academy Alumni Association 2021 National Leadership Conference.

Community outreach specialists from around the country gather during the FBINCAAA 2021 National Leadership Conference.

The FBI’s Community Outreach Program 

Logo of the FBI's Community Outreach Program.

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Learn more about the FBI's Community Outreach program.