FBI San Diego
Media Coordinator
(858) 320-1800 | SDPublicAffairs@fbi.gov
July 26, 2018

FBI San Diego Celebrates the FBI’s 110th Birthday

On July 26, 2018, the FBI celebrates 110 years of public service. In honor of this milestone, we reflect on our history and look forward to the future of the organization. At FBI San Diego, FBI Headquarters, and across all field offices, we are highlighting the FBI’s history and recognizing the people and work of the FBI.

Much has changed since the FBI was established, but many critical attributes remain the same. The Bureau now operates in a digital world where crime not only crosses state lines, but also international borders—in the blink of an eye. Our best traditions have not changed, however—our rigorous adherence to the Constitution and the rule of law, and the guiding principles in our motto of Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity.

The FBI was established on July 26, 1908, by Attorney General Charles J. Bonaparte with just 34 special agents and was officially named the Federal Bureau of Investigation in 1935. The FBI has grown to nearly 37,000 employees, including more than 13,500 special agents and over 22,800 professional staff employees in 56 field offices, more than 400 resident agencies, and 90 legal attaché offices and sub-offices worldwide.

The San Diego Field Office was established on December 3, 1939. The birth of the San Diego Field Office was tied to the war in Europe, which had started just a few months before. San Diego was a key city given its important location in southern California, its close ties to the Baja peninsula of northern Mexico, and its many national security functions in the area. FBI officials quickly concluded that establishing an office here in San Diego was necessary. Since December 3, 1939, the San Diego FBI has proudly worked to protect our local communities and the nation.

Special Agent in Charge John Brown said, “For 110 years, the Nation has entrusted the FBI with protecting its freedoms and bringing justice to those who threaten that freedom, whether they be depression era gangsters, transnational criminal organizations, foreign spies, or cyber criminals. For 110 years, the FBI has been steadfast and committed to protecting the American people and upholding the Constitution of the United States. Today, we proudly celebrate the FBI’s 110th Birthday and as we do so, I want to thank the employees of the San Diego Division and all employees throughout the FBI, past and present, for their dedication to the FBI, our mission, and the American people.”

Follow the FBI on Facebook, Twitter (@FBISanDiego, @FBI), and using the hashtag, #FBI110, for more information.